

Establishing Terms and Conditions

The editors of Academe have sent out a call for submissions in anticipation of their next issue.

The call for submissions is specifically looking for responses to Catherine Nolan-Ferrell’s recent article in light of COVID-19. Imagine you are writing a response to be included in the follow-up issue. In creating a response, you will need to identify an aspect of Nolan-Ferrell’s argument that you want to respond to and connect with our current pandemic.

It would be helpful to your audience to identify if the aspect you are responding to is major or minor in terms of Nolan-Ferrell’s overall argument, and it should be clear why you think this aspect deserves further discussion as schools move into remote learning and infection rates rise.

Remember even though readers to a journal may be loyal, you cannot assume your audience has read Nolan-Ferrell’s article. A brief and accurate summary will be necessary.

Additionally, the editors at Academe pride the journal’s reputation as fair and informed, so they require that you support yourself with 2-3 additional sources as “evidence and multiple perspectives.” These sources should be appropriate for inclusion in an academic journal, so limit or carefully evaluate encyclopedias, blogs, and buzzfeed.

Finally, the editors have set aside a specific spread and layout in the journal for this response, so your submission will need to be between 1300 and 1600 words.

The deadline to submit for the next issue is Friday, September 18th by 11:59pm.

Submit your essay here, and adhere to the following checklist:


· 1300-1600 words

· Recognized Essay Structure

· Summarizes Catherine Nolan-Ferrell

· Responds to Catherine Nolan-Ferrell

· Connects with COVID-19

· 2-3 Additional appropriate sources

· pdf, doc, or docx files (sorry, no .pages)

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