“Foundations” portfolio page


“Foundations” portfolio page
Following the directions below, and paying careful attention to the grading rubric, create a “Foundations” page for your portfolio and submit it here when complete.

1. Refer back to your UB Curriculum Coursework quiz to identify the courses that satisfied your Foundations requirements (UB Seminar, Communication Literacy, Math & Quantitative Reasoning, Scientific Literacy & Inquiry, and Diversity Learning).

2. Identify at least two (2) skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in your Foundations coursework which you are able to apply in new situations. Talk about how you gained those skills and specifically how you use those skills in new situations.

a. Make sure to articulate in which specific Foundations course(s) these skills were obtained and provide concrete examples and references from the course.

3. Integrate artifacts which demonstrate your understanding of each skill (at least one artifact per skill). Be sure to explain your artifacts and their rationale for inclusion, and include screenshots or the actual artifacts in the body of your portfolio page, not as attachments.

a. For this assignment, artifacts are representative pieces of your work that demonstrate the skills that you are describing. They might be taken from the course where you originally learned or refined the skill, or even better from subsequent courses in which you adapted and applied the skill to solve a new problem or used it at a higher level.

Examples of artifacts include (but are not limited to):

Argumentative Essays
Exam or Quiz Excerpts (Do NOT upload complete exams or similar documents)
Final Projects
Homework Assignments
Lab Reports
PowerPoint Presentations (of your own creation, not the instructor’s lecture notes)
Research Papers
Screenshots of Notes
Short Response Papers
If you have questions as to whether or not an artifact would be suitable for this assignment, contact your instructor.

4. As with all Capstone pages, use appropriate writing conventions (grammar, spelling, paragraph structure, etc.) demonstrating awareness of an academic audience.

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