Mini Tone Essay
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Mini Tone Essay Prompt
Both Brian Doyle and E.B. White use various methods to create a specific tone in their respective works which adds a layer of meaning beyond what is directly expressed in the stories they are telling. White, for example, relies more on sensory details, while Doyle on a mixture of academic research and poetic elements, among other methods employed by both.
Choose a specific aspect of one author’s writing to focus on and make a claim about what feeling it delivers and to what effect. (It’s not enough to say “yes, the essay does carry a specific feeling.” You will have to identify the tone, use the text (about 4 lines) itself to prove that it is there, and draw a conclusion about what it achieves/contributes.) Length = about 450 words
Write no more than the word count on the question given. Make sure to answer the question directly and focus on the areas below. Consider organizing your response like this:
I. Thesis – There should be a sentence (or two) that clearly states what will be argued.
text + lit device = so what?
II. Support – Appropriate sections of the text should be quoted fittingly. (About 2-4 lines)
III. Analysis – Quoted sections should be explained thoroughly and there should be evidence of advanced analysis. You should focus on excavating deeper levels and looking beyond the surface. Use lit devices where appropriate. Follow the 2 to 1 ratio. This is the longest part of your response.
IV. Concluding thought – One sentence “so what?” conclusion that connects the response to the big picture/general life.
* Avoid summary! If you find yourself retelling the story, maybe let yourself do it and get it out of your system, and then delete it all.
* Make sure to have an original title.
* Follow all MLA guidelines