Slavery By Another Name Reflection
Before watching the documentary, consider the following questions:
What comes to mind when you consider the film’s title, Slavery by Another Name?
What do you know about the use of forced labor in America and beyond?
This project is centered on the fact that our individual histories are part of a bigger shared history. What does shared history mean to you? How can we better engage with this larger, shared history in addition to our own personal histories?
After watching the film, write a two-page reflection and answer these questions:
What do you think life was like for the former slaveholders?
Has your understanding of the thirteenth Amendment changed after viewing the film? If so, how? If not, why?
In what ways do you think that reconstruction accomplished this goal and in what ways did it fall short?
At the end of the film, descendant Tonya Groomes paraphrases a quote from Reverend MartinLuther King, Jr.: “… the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” What does this quote mean to you and how can it be used to encourage continued action towards defending justice?
The film tackles a difficult part of American history. What are the ways that we can reconcile difficult parts of our history?
Please feel free to expand your write-up as you see fit.