Lewis and Russell Written Assignment
“Lewis/Russell Homework” (Corsa, 2020).
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“Answer all seven questions below. Type your answers below each question, and submit the finished file as a Word document on Canvas. This is a short-answer assignment. Some questions can be answered with just a handful of words, while several questions willrequire between three to six sentences to answer well” (Corsa, 2020).
“Feel free to bring drafts of this to my Zoom office hours BEFORE you submit it on Canvas. I will not give you answers to any question, but I would tell you whether your answers are right or wrong, and I might be able to provide a few hints. Be aware that once you submit it, I will grade it and the grade will be permanent without the ability to revise for a higher grade” (Corsa, 2020).
“Several of the sub-questions in Questions 1, 2, and 3 are closely related to questions that appear in the notes titled ‘LewisQuestionsQuotations’ and ‘RussellQuestionsQuotations2020’” (Corsa, 2020).
“1 (12%)–Russell (mostly): This is a three-part question. Answer all three parts. 1a. Russell approves of several of Jesus’s teachings. Of which specific teaching did Russell approve? 1b. Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no.’Would C.S. Lewis have also approved of this teaching? 1c. Of which of Jesus’s specific teachings does Russell disapprove?” (Corsa, 2020).
“2 (12%) – Lewis: This is a two-part question. Answer both parts.2a. Whatdoes Lewis say was the ‘main thing’ Jesus came to earth to do (Lewis, 1952, p. 43)? 2b. By doing this, what did Jesus accomplish, and what impact did Jesus have on human history?” (Corsa, 2020).
“3 (12%) – Russell: This is a two-part question. Answer both parts. 3a. What role does Russell think Jesus played with respect to human history? (Russell thinks that Jesus had some negative effects. What are they?) 3b. What does Russell think Jesus had to do in order to play this role?” (Corsa, 2020).
“4 (20%) – Lewis:Look at the arguments with numbered premises in the notes titled ‘LewisArgumentFromMorality.’HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: Providethe simpler version of Lewis’s ‘Argument from Morality’in your own words. That argument has only two premises. Tell me what its first premise says. Tell me what its second premise says. Be clear about what its conclusion is. Be clear about the argument’s logical structure; use words like ‘if’ and ‘then.’Your wording should sound sufficiently different from mine in the notes, and should also sound sufficiently different from the wording used by Lewis and the wording used by any one of your classmates. Do NOT use the word ‘objective.’ Instead, rephrase the argument to explain what it means for a moral fact to be objective. [The notes titled ‘ObjectiveVersusRelative’ might help.] DO use the words ‘know,’‘moral,’‘exist,’ and ‘God’” (Corsa, 2020).
“5 (20%) – Lewis again: To answer the following question, the notes titled ‘LewisArgumentfromMorality’ could help, especially if you took good notes during class. It might also help to look at the notes titled,‘CorrectAnswersToLewisInClassAssignment.’ One of that document’s answers explains ‘Lewis’s justification for thinking the first premise of his Argument from Morality is true.’ HERE IS THE QUESTION YOU NEED TO ANSWER: What is Lewis’s justification for thinking that the first premise of the simpler version of his Argument from Morality is true? To answer this question well, you will need to describe the worldview Lewis thinks we would have if God did not exist and we knew that God did not exist. You will also need to describe the limitations that Lewis thinks that worldview has. Do notjust tell me what the first premise of the argument says. Instead, you must explain Lewis’s justification for believing that first premise. Do NOT copy and paste content from notes, and DO NOT quote Lewis or any of your classmates too closely. You must phrase your answer to this question in your own words, and your wording needs to be substantially different from course notes” (Corsa, 2020).
“6 (12%) – Russell: To answer this two-part question, it might be useful to look at the notes titled ‘RussellagainsttheExistenceofGod,’ especially if you took good notes during class. This is a two-part question. Answer both parts. 6b. Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Does Russell think that the First-Cause argument is a good argument that is sound? 7B. If Russell does not think that the first-cause of everything was God, what does he say the first cause might have been, instead?” (Corsa, 2020).
“7 (12%) Lewis and Russell:To answer this two-part question, it might be useful to look at the notes titled ‘RussellagainsttheExistenceofGod,’ especially if you took good notes during class. This is a two-part question. Answer both parts.As you do, remember that, for the sake of this class, we are supposing that Russell was a moral relativist. 7a.Which premise of the simpler version of Lewis’s ‘Argument from Morality’ would anymoral relativist necessarily claim is false? 7b. Also, why would any moral relativist claim that it is false?” (Corsa, 2020).