define the word nothing
topic: define the word “nothing”
definition essay title (must be original/unique/ creative title)
I. Introduction
A. Hook/Attention-getter (possibly describing a scene or giving a dramatic fact or shocking statistic, maybe a question)
B. Defining a word or some aspect of your paper using an “Essential Definition” of your own creation or possibly a dictionary definition, quoted.
C. Thesis statement (what is the purpose of your essay? what do you want your readers to gain? what topics/points will be covered in the body of the essay?)
II. Body of paper—An “Extended definition” – Explain that there is more to understanding this than just its dictionary or essential definition. :
–Extend an interpretation “Patriotism means more than flag waving. . .”
–Put forth a revised meaning for a commonplace term (“thong” isn’t a shoe these days)
–Analyze the word if it is complex or controversial (“hell” wasn’t originally hot—just meant to cover the ground.)
–Give any new information a person may not be familiar with (“Wife” is not just a spouse, but a cook, chauffeur, maid, waitress, counselor, accountant, nurse . . .)
–Compare or contrast (Because silver has to be smelted, it is hard to find than gold, so the expression “Seek as if for silver” means . . .)
–Tell a story to illustrate the meaning of this word or concept. (SIDS—Joe and Sue were new parents when tragedy suddenly struck in the dark of night . . .)
–Inform or explain or persuade.
III. Conclusion—Restate your thesis, but in different words.
–Tie back to your attention-getter/hook from the introduction
–Offer readers advice on how beneficial of the word’s definition
Lastly, add a Works Cited page. If you cited from a dictionary or encyclopedia or cited any expert authority to help define your topic, you need a Works Cited page and parenthetical citations.