Discussion Boards Assignments
There are multiple discussions for different courses but haven’t added the number of pages because I’m uncertain but if possible I need this as soon as possible.(No short sentence response)
The first one is literature: read the passage the Dress of White Silk and answer the following questions:
1. In this story, the protagonist of the story is a young girl, maybe 5 years old or so. And so Matheson tries to imitate the way a 5-year-old would talk. There are misspellings a lack fo punctuation marks, and this makes the story hard to read and understand. Why do you think Matheson chose to write the story this way?
2. What is your explanation as to what happens at the end of the story?
3. What do you think is the main theme of the story? Why? (Remember, a story can have more than one theme. So don’t worry about being right or wrong!)
2. Human Relations Course Assignment: the e-text talks about communication filters that can influence communication. Discuss 2 filters and how they are seen being used in a workplace environment (if you have specific examples of experiences you have had with the filters, talk about those). Then talk about how communication at work can be improved using some of the tools that are discussed in the chapter.
3. Health and Fitness Course Assignment : Health Change Behavior Modification – Baseline Assignment for Term Project
When answering, make sure to include each topic heading below and provide your answer underneath each highlighted heading. Sub-topics under highlighted headers are suggestions only, not all have to be answered. Only the highlighted headers. Remember to keep submission for the Whole Assignment Concise and Substantive.
HF Healthy Change Behavior Modification Grading Policy – HF Healthy Change Behavior Modification assignments (Baseline, Progress Reports 1) are manually graded. Scores are visible in the Grades area.
(The Healthy Change Behavior Modification topic is Eating healthier)
1) Identify the behavior you wish to change 10 points
For example: Is the behavior smoking? Overeating? Being sedentary? Is it being stressed? Anxious? Overly busy? Drinking? Anger management? Relationship issues? Better Physical fitness? Eat better?
What is the behavior?
How does it affect your life?
2) Plan of Action. 40 points
What are your Short term goals?
What are your Long term goals?
Every journey starts with the first step, remember that.
If long term goal is to lose 30 pounds, short term should be a reasonable per week loss, after consultation with your Qualified Health Care Provider. You can’t do it all in a day! Even if you are choosing to quit smoking cold turkey, you need to see the accomplishments of making it one day, then a week…..
What is a short term goal? This is a smaller project related to your overall goal of being a healthier, happier you! e.g. lose 8 pounds over the quarter. What is a long term goal? This looks at overall, lasting improved health for your lifetime, e.g. Eat more fruits and veggies EVERY day.
3) Current State – Establish some Baseline data about your behavior. 10 points
(You won’t know where you are if you don’t know where you started. i.e. how do you know if you lost weight, if you don’t know how much you weighed? If you are trying to cut back on snacks, include a diary of how often you snack. If it is anger management, what makes you angry, etc.
Keep a diary of your habits for a few days (however, do not post simply a diary)
Write down your feelings on those days, especially in relation to the activity you want to change
What triggers do you notice in relation to your behavior?
What do we know about your behavior? What contributes to it?
What is the history of this behavior? When it is worse? Better?
Identify any patterns you see.
Look at the positives and the negatives
Accept what you have found as accurate
Focus on strengths as well as weaknesses
Identify any patterns you see. If they are strengths, use them as such, if the patterns are behavior weaknesses, work on changing them.
3b) Reward System. 10 points
Make a personal contract to accomplish your goals
Review your Specific and Measurable Goals
Write down both the starting and ending dates.
(This will help you focus on specific activities for reaching your goals….)
Specify the time
Specify the personal resources
Specify the energy that you will need to commit to this project
3c) Preparing for Obstacles. 10 points
Strategies for getting back on track
4. Health and Fitness: The Health Change Behavior Modification chosen is (eating healthier)
For this Week 2 Discussion Board, give a brief reason why you chose your Single (1) Health Change Behavior Modification that you will be monitoring this Semester.
8 minutes ago
Must also have sources for the different courses!!