choose the topic
ESSAY #1 – (2-3 double-spaced pages, 12 Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins)
1. Find and use relevant sources to write an essay (typed) that compares/contrasts the policy positions of two different and CURRENT American political parties. Make sure it is parties and not people that are compared. Make sure you have and use at least one reference for each political party.
Concentrate on 2 or 3 policies in your comparison.
Follow the class writing guidelines on all essays and papers.
You will need at least 2 sources for this assignment – one for each political party.
5. Reference Page
*Writing Guidelines*
Papers are typed, double-spaced, 12 Font with 1 inch margins and should include an introductory paragraph, which contains a) an enticement that encourages the readers to read on, b) a few sentences stressing the underlying importance of the subject, and c) the thesis sentence. The thesis statement directly relates to the essay’s title and explains the goal of the paper. For example, a paper considering the effects of television on American social values might incorporate the following thesis statement:
This paper considers the impact of television on the social values of the United States.
Each paragraph following the introductory paragraph should relate to the thesis statement. Each paragraph should have a main sentence and sentences that contain supporting material or information. Each and every paragraph should relate to the thesis sentence in the introductory paragraph. If the paragraphs do not relate to the thesis statement of the paper, then the paragraphs are in the wrong paper. Additionally, each paragraph should be at least three sentences long.
The paper also must include a concluding paragraph which a) reiterates the introductory paragraph and the thesis statement, b) briefly summarizes the main points of the paper, and c) suggest the wider ramifications of the paper on the topic.
Take great care in maintaining your intellectual integrity. If an idea comes from a particular source, the source must be cited. If a fact or a quote is used, the source must be cited and/or quoted. To test whether or not you are quoting a source directly or just using an idea, close or cover the source, wait 15 seconds, and then type the idea out. If you cannot do this without referring back to the source, they you are quoting and quotation marks and the appropriate page citation should be used.
Citations should contain the necessary information so the reader can find the source in your reference page.
For an idea — The decline of the American family can be attributed to the growth in the television industry (Smith 1987, pp.57-59).
For a quote–Television has led “to the death of the American family”(Smith 1987, p. 62).
If you do not cite the appropriate source of the information, it is plagiarism. This is academic dishonesty and will be dealt with in the strictest terms.