b. Your paper will look at any aspect of PP&I in the U.S. past or present. You must tie in at least two theories and/or foundations covered to date and critically analyze your topic. I do not want to receive a history paper.
Paper 1: Power, Privilege, and Inequality from a Global Perspective (February 11th, 2020 by 11:59pm, submitted on BB)
You will look at inequality in the United States. Your topic is open and can be about current events, politics…… If you are having a hard time figuring out what you want to write about we can discuss or even set up a forum on BB where we can bounce ideas back and forth. An example of a paper could be how inequality in charter schools in the United States is another form of classist and racial segregation in education or how the criminal justice system is a form of modern Jim Crow laws and modern slavery of people of color in the U.S.
Your paper will look at any aspect of PP&I in the U.S. past or present. You must tie in at least two theories and/or foundations covered to date and critically analyze your topic. I do not want to receive a history paper.
1,000-1,500 words in length (not including your reference page).
References: No less than 5 credible resources. Credible sources are academic articles.
You do not need an abstract for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Your paper should be formatted with the following, a) intro which will contain a thesis statement; b) body of the paper which is typically several pages long and should go into depth the points outlined in your intro; c) conclusion on the research you have conducted and presented within the writing; d) a properly formatted reference page (this is crucial and is your credibility)
You can choose any aspect of a culture or region within of the U.S. and write about the PP&I that is currently occurring. Look toward these categories for inspiration when choosing your topics;
i. Values, Beliefs, Feelings.
ii. Interpersonal: Actions, Behaviors, Language.
iii. Institutional: Rules, Policies, and Procedures.
iv. Cultural: Beauty, Truth, and Right.
v. Identity: Gender, Sexuality, and/or Race/Ethnicity
You may quote directly from course readings, but you should keep quotations to a minimum (because those words count in the word count). Be sure to cite quotes as well as ideas appropriately. I suggest ASA style or APA style. However, if you are writing in a style that is specific to your discipline of study here at American University; by all means please write in that style accurately. Please inform me if you are writing in a different style.
Your paper will be submitted on BB and not email where it will be graded and I will provide feedback.
If you go over the word count, it is perfectly ok! I would rather you write more than less. Do not go below the word count! If you go below the word count, I take 5 points off for every 0-100 words under the count. So, if you are 150 words under count, you lose 10 points…
*The number one thing to remember is that there needs to be a thesis statement in your introduction paragraph!*
What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement focuses your ideas into one or two sentences. It should present the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position in relation to the topic. Your thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and also help guide your writing and keep your argument focused.
The thesis statement will always be in your intro paragraph(s) and comes relatively near the end of that section. The following is an example from my literature review/intro for my graduate research. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to be massive. You are just telling me what the purpose of the paper is why? How? What? Etc.