Assignment Film Analysis
Assignment Film Analysis Worth 20% of your total grade
Word count : 750-800 words (mention word count at the end of the paper).
Based on the theme of gender and representation, students will analyze a film of their choice (the movie should have at least one main female character) offering insights into the content and consumption of film as a form of popular culture.
1. First, see if your movie passes Bechdel test. Explain briefly, why the movie did or did not pass the test.
2. Next, discuss representation of female character(s) in the movie (Are they lead characters, supporting characters) Do we see examples of sexual objectification, infantilization, stereotyping, one dimensional characters, or any other form of oppression? Offer detailed discussion on at least two forms of oppression (or lack of it). The examples should be relevant to your movie.
(For example, if you see examples of sexual objectification provide and discuss examples from the film. If you want, you can describe the a scene or offer a few lines of a dialogue).
· Which genre does your film belong to? (romantic, Sci-fi, thriller, mystery, children, animation).
· How does film genre affect the content of movie especially how women’s portrayal in films? Agree? Offer examples from your movie.
Important: Majority of your discussion should be based on questions in point 2 (mentioned above).
3. Conclusion
In your conclusion, offer insights addressing the following question.
Do you think that a film passing Bechdel test should qualify as progressive on gender (gender empowerment)? Yes? No? Why?