why parents should nit hit their children
Assignment Overview:
All topics must be approved by your professor (Dr. Anderson)
Prepare and deliver a 3-6 minute informative speech.
A minimum of five (5) different academic sources must be used for this speech.
A full sentence outline (NO ESSAYS) will be turned in with your speech on the scheduled due date. Please include a bibliography (Work Cited/Reference Page) on a separate page using the correct APA style.
You must incorporate visual aids in your speech for a live presentation. Visual Aids can include, but are not limited to:
PowerPoint/Prezi/Google Slides, etc…
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me or come by the office. I am here to help you any way I can.
For this course, you will have two (2) options for submitting your speech.
You may submit your speech in class during our scheduled class meetings.
You may also submit your speech via the informative speech assignment link.
If you are choosing the video option please follow these instructions:
You are to upload a video (via, Canvas upload or Youtube do not make it private ) for delivering your speech. The need for an audience will not be required for this assignment.
You will need to make sure that your turn in your full-sentence outline as well your reference page (i.e. work cited or bibliography).
You will also upload your PowerPoint presentation as well. I am limiting the presentation package to PowerPoint to ensure that all assignments are accessible.
If you are choosing the live delivery option please follow these instructions:
You must be prepared to give your speech during our scheduled class time.
You will need to make sure that your turn in your full-sentence outline as well your reference page (i.e. work cited or bibliography).
You will also need a PowerPoint presentation as well. I am limiting the presentation package to PowerPoint to ensure that all assignments are accessible.
To receive your final grade for this assignment you must upload your final full sentence outline and work cited page (bibliography/reference page) to the Informative Speaking Assignment tab.
Peer Reviews:
You will need to complete all three (3) to receive your participation points (10 points). Peer Reviews are randomly assigned via Canvas Automation.
Peer reviews are constructive critiques discussing what the presenter did well, what could they have done better, what you wished they could have covered.
Your randomly assigned peer reviews will only show up on your To-Do List once all required assignment components have been completed and uploaded.