Climate change and climate change denial
Write a paper on the subject you chose (Climate Change & climate change denial) compare/contrast highlighting the 5 main points that support the pro side of the argument and the 5 main points that support the con side of the argument from your research sources. The first part of the paper should show no bias. Just give the facts for both viewpoints. In your concluding paragraph, you will need to tell which side you agree with and why you came to this conclusion. This paper should be between 1000 and 1500 words long, double spaced, using Calibri or Arial 12 point font. DO NOT USE TIMES NEW ROMAN. Your references do not go toward the word count, only the body of the text. You do not need a cover page or abstract for this assignment.
You will need in-text citations that are properly formatted in APA-style, (i.e. author(s) last name(s), year). You will also cite these references in a reference section at the end of your paper.
Cite your key references in APA formatting. Help on how to format with APA is available at the Purdue Owl (opens in a new window). The JCC Librarians are also well-versed with APA style. They are willing to help and you can chat with one 24 hrs/per day from the Library home page.
This paper will be uploaded onto Blackboard and will be checked against SafeAssign plagiarism checking software.