Discussion: Understand Energy and Temperature
Summarize what you have learned in Week 3
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Initial Post
You are REQUIRED to post a thorough summary with the following two components:
Summarize what you have learned on the following concepts. Please make sure to answer ALL the questions listed under each concept (6 points)
Radiation Energy and its transfer in Atmosphere:
What is the difference between solar radiation and Earth radiation?
How does solar radiation is transfered through atmosphere
What is atmospheric greenhouse effect?
Heat and Temperature
What is Heat? What is temperature?
Specific heat and how it is related to the speed of cooling/warming of an object? Provide examples.
What are the phases of water? What is latent heat? What is evaporation and what is condensation? How is latent heat related to evaporation and condensation, respectively?
How does the heat energy from Earth surface get transferred to atmosphere? Describe the processes.
At least ONE question you have when studying the concepts and questions listed above (2 points)
Reply to Peers
Browse the questions posted by your classmates and help answer at least ONE of your classmates answer the question(s) he/she has (2 points)
Requirements and Grading
Please read carefully Discussion Guidelines before posting to make sure your posts meet the requirements.
You initial post is due on Friday (Sep 18th) by 11:59pm and your reponse to peers is due on Sunday (Sep 20th) at 11:59pm.
Your posts will be graded using
I need you to make a sentence for this post.↓
Radiation Energy and its transfer in Atmosphere:
What is the difference between solar radiation and Earth radiation?
Solar radiation is shortwave radiation and radiates most of its energy at wavelengths less than 4 μm. Earth radiation is longwave radiation and radiates most of its energy at infrared wavelengths, between 5μm and 25μm.
How does solar radiation is transferred through atmosphere
Ultraviolet and infrared waves are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere but visible wavelengths are transmitted through. These wavelengths are reflected and scattered by aerosols, gases and the Earth’s surface. The amount of radiation reflected back is based on albedo, how reflective a surface is. Solar radiation can also be transferred by greenhouse gases.
What is atmospheric greenhouse effect?
Greenhouse gases are known as selective absorbers. The sun’s visible radiation is allowed to reach the surface by these gases. These gases also absorb some of Earth’s infrared radiation from escaping into space. Because of the greenhouse effect, the Earth’s temperature is sustainable for life to survive.
Heat and Temperature:
What is Heat? What is temperature?
Temperature is the measure of the average speed of atoms and molecules. Because of the difference in temperature between two objects, heat is the energy in the process of being transferred between these two objects.
Specific heat and how it is related to the speed of cooling/warming of an object? Provide examples.
Specific heat is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance 1 degree Celsius. The higher the capacity of a substance is the more energy it takes to increase the temperature the substance. For example, a frying pan has a small specific heat capacity which makes it faster to heat up.
What are the phases of water? What is latent heat? What is evaporation and what is condensation? How is latent heat related to evaporation and condensation, respectively?
The phases of water is liquid, gases and solid. Latent heat is the amount of heat energy to change a substance to another substance. For example, when water vapor in the air transforms into liquid form, latent heat is released, this is called condensation. Evaporation is when liquid is turn into vapor, latent heat is taken in instead of released.
How does the heat energy from Earth surface get transferred to atmosphere? Describe the processes.
Heat energy from Earth’s surface get transferred to the atmosphere by conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is when heat is transferred from molecule to molecule within a substance through direct contact. Convention is when heat is transferred by the mass movement of a fluid, liquid or gas. Radiation is when heat is transferred from one object to another without the space between them being heated.
How can we slow down the process of global warming?