Biochemistry annotated bibliography and 3 short questions answer
Expanded Biography Assignment
During the last quarter of the nineteenth century the USDA studied to composition of foods and the adulterants added to foods on their way to market. The head of the UDDA proposed something quite revolutionary in 1902 – science. There has been too much argument about the effects of chemical preservatives on health. I propose to find out by scientific experimentation what is the truth about a question of such vital concern to consumers of the nation. Some day we will have a law. Harvey Wiley Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry, USDA.
Please turn your attention to the research article on DNA barcoding previously discussed in class and develop a standard annotated biography for that article.
• An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. For this assignment you are reviewing but one article .
This is an expanded version annotation. It is a modest expansion (modest means about 300 additional words). You are to frame the results and concerns expressed by the authors within the context of current class discussions.
1. Are herbal products safe?
2. Describe a risk to human health caused by product formulation (potential irritation, chemical to chemical interaction, something toxic.
3. Have we risen to the challenge posed by Harvey Wiley?
This assignment can be done using information gleaned from course lectures. Additional referencing is not required