
DA3: Barbie Girls versus Sea Monsters
Children Constructing Gender
By Messner

Complete the assigned readings for the week of September 21st. Type your answers after each question. When you complete the worksheet upload it to D2L via the Assignment Dropbox labeled Barbie Girls versus Sea Monsters.
Text book: A Global Perspective 9th edition 2015 by Joan Ferrante
Due Date: 11:59 Tuesday, Sep 22nd.
NOTE:In sociology we see sex and gender as two different things. Sex is the anatomical parts used for reproduction that are typically identified at birth (e.g. penis and vagina). Gender is the way we are taught to behave in representation of our perceived sex (see chapter 10 for a longer discussion). Keep this distinction in mind as you record your answers to the questions below.
1. Based on what you read in the textbook, explain the following terms in your own words.
1. Collective Memory
2. In-group
3. Out-group
4. Agent of Socialization
The following questions ask you to analyze Messner’s reading based on the terms above and other aspects of chapter 4.
2. Describethe keycollective memoryshared by the Barbie Girls and Sea Monsters? Why is it a collective memory? While shared, collective memories can have different meanings for different groups. Speculate how the retelling of this collective memory might differentiate between the two groups?
3. What in-groups and out-groups are present in this reading? Explain why they fit these terms?
4. Messner discusses a few agents of socialization (e.g. adults, the AYSO, media, etc.) who teach the childrenaboutgender roles.Choose any two of the agents of socialization discussed in the Messner’s reading and identify them. Specifically, what are these agents teaching the children about their own gender and about the other gender (or other genders)? Speculate; as they get older, how might this shape their future understandings of men and women? In your opinion and based on what you read, what are the positive and/or negative outcomes to how these children are socialized? Explain your answer.
5. One important debate in chapter 4 (Textbook) is the question of nature vs. nurture. Review this discussion in the book and summarizethis debate. In Barbie Girls vs. Sea Monsters, Messner argues the adults (parents and coaches) see the children’s behavior as a result of nature, Messner pushes back and says it is a result of nurture. What do you think? Write three to four sentences supporting your position.Finally, speculate how your socialization into your gender identity might affectyourposition on this question.

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