Federalist 10 and the Constitution


In Federalist Paper #10, James Madison discusses the need to control the effects of faction, which he describes as a dangerous vice in any system of popular government. And while Madison never discusses the structure of the government created by the Constitution in his essay, it appears that many aspects of the system of government created by the Constitution were intended to help to control the effects of faction.

In your essay, first explain what Madison means by “faction,” and why he sees this as a central concern in a system of popular government. This portion should be brief—there is no need to discuss his proposed solutions.

Then, use the bulk of the essay to discuss how the governmental system described in the Constitution attempts to control the effects of faction. Discuss how the different parts of the government are constructed to reflect different interests in society. Then, describe 2 other aspects of the governmental structure and process created in the Constitution (as discussed in class and/or in the video lecture on the Constitution) that are meant to prevent any faction from gaining too much power. (You may choose from among: the separation of powers, independence of each institution from the others, checks and balances, staggered terms of office, limited power of government.). Importantly, explain HOW each of these measures, at least theoretically, helps to control the effects of faction.

In describing these measures, use the actual Constitution as your text, and quote or paraphrase to provide specific examples of the concepts you raise.

Need Draft uploaded by Thursday 10pm.

All papers in this course are graded based on the Professor’s assessment of:

–whether it appears that the student has actually read the assigned materials;

–the degree to which the student seems to understand the readings and the concepts;

— the degree to which the student explains the concepts in a meaningful way;

–the degree of serious thought the student puts into reaching a conclusion based on what he/she has learned, and:

–while this is not an English course, and while grades are primarily based on content, papers that exhibit a lack of effort to edit and proofread will not get high grades. I don’t expect anyone to have perfect English here; but papers should not contain multiple sentences that make no sense, repeated misspellings, or sloppy punctuation and grammar. (NOTE: I tend to make lots of corrections to the English in essays, which are mainly for your benefit and DO NOT affect the grade unless it is quite evident that there is a lack of effort involved, or if the writing is so poor that it is unacceptable at a college level.)

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