For this project, you will create an original 2 part plan to market a new product or service that does not yet exist
For this project, you will create an original plan to market a new product or service that does not yet exist. You can create a plan to launch it yourself, or you can use an existing company. No, you may not recycle any part of a plan that you previously submitted in a different course.
It is fine if the technology to create your offering does not yet exist. Your job is not to build it, but to explain how the organization will use it to create value for potential customers. This is explained in detail in the assigned reading for this course. While the product or service may be hypothetical, the plan to market it must be a real-world proposal based on secondary research you conduct about how similar or alternative offerings are marketed.
Take great care in the choice of your product or service because this product or service will be the basis of the course project for the rest of the course. Your complete assignment should be between 4 to 8 pages not including title page, table of contents, and references. See General Instructions following the below outline.
For PART ONE (Part I) of the project complete the product-service identification. Provide substantial details about the product characteristics, features, and benefits.
Sample Outline of the Marketing Plan (Part I):
1. Product-Service Identification
1.1 Brief description of the Company
1.2 Organization structure
1.3 The product being offered and its benefits (no features)
2. Situation Analysis – (this is the section heading, which includes an introductory paragraph, please answer the following questions: What problems your product or service will solve, and are they any emotional triggers related to your product or service? )
2.1 Market Summary
2.2 SWOT Analysis
2.3 Direct and Indirect Competition
PART TWO (Part II): Using the Product-Service identified and the Situation Analysis prepared in Unit One, you will now prepare the Marketing Mix Strategy and Marketing Research. At a minimum, the Marketing Mix Strategy and Marketing Research must include the following sections (complete), correctly numbered, and labeled (see below).
Sample Outline of the Marketing Plan (Part II):
3. Marketing Strategy
3.1 Mission
3.2 Marketing Objectives
3.3 Financial Objectives
3.4 Target Markets
3.5 Positioning
3.6 Marketing Program
Customer service
3.7 Marketing Research
General Instructions:
This is not a creative writing project. Use concepts from the assigned reading or other viable and credible sources (e.g., academic journals, economic periodicals, books, etc.) in your response to each element in the above outline. An unsupported opinion is not appropriate in any type of business plan and will not earn full credit. Use in-text citations to identify the source of every idea that comes from your sources.
You will earn credit only for your own original work (paraphrase, do not quote). There is no credit for quoted content. More importantly, using any quoted content without properly identifying it as such will result in a zero for the Assignment.