Optimism and Pessimism: Everyone Experiences Both
As human beings, there are some situations and experiences that we face with curiosity and excitement and some that we don’t. In these situations, we are either being open-minded and optimistic about the possibilities of the situation and the fun we might have, or we are being close-minded and pessimistic about the possibilities because we assume we won’t have fun or enjoy it. There are various reasons why this happens. It typically relates to past experience or expectations or even personal preference.
In a well-written essay of 750 words, write an essay that conveys your thoughts on what it means to be optimistic/open-minded and pessimistic/close-minded and use personal experiences that illustrate and define the terms to you.
The essay should include the following:
1. An introduction that provides your own thoughts on the definition of the terms and how they apply to life. NOTE: Do not use a dictionary or encyclopedia. The definitions must be your own thoughts on the words.
2. A minimum of 2 supporting paragraphs that convey personal stories/experiences from your life that reinforce what you have indicated as your definitions in the introduction. You will need to have at least one story that illustrates optimism/open-mindedness and at least one story that illustrates pessimism/close-mindedness
3. A conclusion that provides your final thoughts on the meaning of the terms and how they enhance or detract from the joy of life and the human experience.
Remember to strengthen your essay with examples, descriptions and explanations. It is important to “show” the story rather than just “tell” the experience.
The final draft of your essay should be a minimum of 750 words and a maximum of 1,000 words, so plan accordingly.
The essay should be in proper MLA format.
The essay must be uploaded as a Microsoft Word document.