Definition of Success Essay


Five easy rules to follow for a top grade!

1) Write an engaging introduction paragraph

2) Write in the “first person”

This must be your personal definition of success – describe what success is to you – use the first person “I”, “Me”, “My” Example: My definition of success is… I define success as…
Do not describe other people’s definition of success “Some people believe that…”
Do not compare yourself to other people (bash other people’s personal definition)
We want you to think about how you personally define success – all answers are right if they are honest and from your heart!

3) Select and write about three (3) distinct domains

Your definition must be framed within a minimum of three Domains (areas) from Dimensions of Success lecture notes or videos.
Write a detailed description in each domain (example: I define success in my career as becoming a CFO, or I feel that I will have achieved success when I am a full-time Accountant and receive my CPA degree in a firm).

4) Write a thoughtful conclusion paragraph

5) Follow the rules of using Microsoft files and the following Format:

Double Spaced
Times New Roman
Size 12 Font
1″ Margins
Upload only Microsoft Word files ending in .DOC or .DOCX or .PPT for your presentations

Please note that PDF, TXT, PGS/pages or links to Google docs will not be accepted

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