Need 2 Separate Responsed To The Following Discussion Questions Both Have To Be 75 Words A Piece Details Below
Discussion 1
Rania :
Explain the implications of globalization
There are several implications when it comes to globalization, some can be good, and some can be bad. I will first start off with the good implications of globalization, such a as the enormous rise in economic growth, workable trading throughout nations, technology advancement and even introducing diversity into new countries. This means introducing global citizenship since valuing diversity is one of the most important outcomes of being a global citizen. Nevertheless , here are the bad implications of globalization such as diseases that spread across borders( note which we are currently dealing with) , terrorism, and threats to global environment (Bhargava, 2006). Having the trading with other nation I feel might go wrong , because the outcomes could be very bad and tragic and can lead to the economic and sociological destruction of one nation.
Identify at least two ethical issues that go along with the global societal topic you have chosen for your final essay
The issue of unemployment and lack of economic opportunity affects lower class citizens the most. societal issue.Unemployment and the lack of economic opportunity affects trillions of people across the planet and to fix the problem there must be a change in the way that businesses go through the hiring process Countries’ economic and employment performance varies considerably; even if growth is resuming in a number of them, job creation remains subdued, and many people are experiencing deeper crisis. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO),4 global unemployment is set to rise in 2014, with more than 200 million people without work across the world. Youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa will remain at close to 30% until 2017. In parts of southern Europe, between 33% and 50% of young people eligible to work are unemployed. Overall unemployment in the euro area is forecast to remain at close to 12% into 2015. Unemployment, especially long-term unemployment, often leads to discouragement and loss of human capital. It is associated with
physical and mental ill-health, imposing continuing burdens on health and welfare systems and ultimately having a negative impact on growth. Persistent youth unemployment in particular has a scarring effect, increasing unemployment risks later in life and depressing lifetime earnings. In 2012 the Global Agenda Council on Employment and Social Protection5 warned that, without decisive action, the cyclical unemployment that followed the crisis could very quickly become long-term, structural unemployment. That risk is now becoming a worrying reality for many.
While job creation is essential, policy-makers must give equal attention to the quality of employment. Low quality work is rarely sustainable work.
The core message of this document is that decision- makers must give the jobs crisis the attention it deserves. Employment must be the priority for the
G20. This demands action on the demand side and the supply side. The policy menu the Members of the Global Agenda Council on Employment outlined last year remains highly relevant, but the Council is also calling for:
Practical action to implement commitments made
at the G20, and much better economic policy
coordination at the international level .In those countries with the fiscal space to do so,
action to sustain aggregate demand, with clear commitments to employment enhancing public investment.
Explain how globalization contributes to or affects these ethical dilemmas.
I would say the affects of globalization contrition would be social media . I say social media because daily you get spam messages which makes you seem like if you click on the link you win a special price or money . Not reAlizing it’s a scam! They was asking for your personal information and they make it seem like it’s legit . 2020 did an documentary on how spam scam artist are getting paid , people sending their hard earn money and saving them to people in foreign places.
Propose solutions to these ethical dilemmas that are feasible financially, socially, and culturally.
As it relates to income inequality, I think that if laws were put in place every individual was seen as one regardless of their gender or race then that would decrease the income inequality issues.
Bhargava, V. K. (2006). Global Issues for Global Citizens : An Introduction to Key Development Challenges. World Bank Publications.
Improving Economic Opportunity in the United States. (2017, October 11). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Painter, S. (n.d.). Unemployment Causes and Consequences. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Explain the implications of globalization
The implications of globalization can either lie on the positive side or the negative side. On the positive side, globalization fosters peace, stability, global prosperity, and democracy (Bhargava, 2006). On the negative side, it has resulted in issues of environmental mismanagement, heightened poverty levels, and increased inequality. Some scholars view globalization as the mask for imperialists dominating the developing nations. It has resulted in the cultural imperialism from the Western nations because of the global interconnectedness related to culture and the enhanced economic interconnectedness. The COVID-19 pandemic being experienced in the world has been fostered by globalization.
Identify at least two ethical issues that go along with the global societal topic you have chosen for your final essay.
The topic selected for my final essay is “the spread of diseases due to climate change; the case study of Malaria”. The topic is highly related to climate change which has been greatly affected by globalization. One of the ethical issues noted earlier regarding globalization is the environmental mismanagement (Shawn, Cedric, & Yuchuan, 2019). Global companies set up their manufacturing process in developing countries and fail to factor in environmental sustainability. Thus, it results in environmental issues that affect the lives of people and consequently result in climate change. Another ethical issue emanating from globalization is the increased poverty specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa where mining companies explore dig trenches and leave the land in a bad state. The mining pits fill with water and harbor mosquitoes causing increased malaria cases. The mining operations only benefit the few rich while the rest remain in absolute poverty and thus cannot afford basic needs like healthcare.
Explain how globalization contributes to or affects these ethical dilemmas.
Global companies set up their manufacturing process in developing countries and fail to factor in environmental sustainability. Additionally, global mining operations only benefit the few rich while the rest remain in absolute poverty and thus cannot afford basic needs like healthcare.
Propose solutions to these ethical dilemmas that are feasible financially, socially, and culturally.
The oversight boards of global operations need to create policies that foster environmental sustainability for all manufacturing and production companies in the world to reduce the negative impacts the activities cause has on the environment. Moreover, the companies that conduct mining operations must take part in corporate social responsibility by creating poverty alleviation programs, community empowerment, and building schools and hospitals for the society.
Bhargava, V. K. (2006). Global Issues for Global Citizens : An Introduction to Key Development Challenges. World Bank Publications.
Shawn, K., Cedric, M., & Yuchuan, D. (2019). The diverse effects of climate change on health and related associations. Environmental Disease, 4(4), 87-92. doi:10.4103/ed.ed_36_1