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Explain what it means to be ethical as it relates to personal, academic, and professional growth.
To be ethical to me is to do no harm to others. Harm can be created in multitude of ways. In a blog by jwood (2017) they note the scientist Richard Feynman who created the atom bomb had deep regret in the creation of the atom bomb. (Para 5) He at first thought it would be used as helpful but after seeing its distruction and effects he changed his mind. Intentially or untentially creating harm to others has effects that impact others on a larger scale. As we grow in education and society its important to keep this moral code. We may know more than others or project we know more but we should never use it in a way that takes advantage of others maybe not in our position.
Provide at least one ethical dilemma you have encountered, and describe how the issue was resolved.
A while back I had encountered some unethical activity at my job. A peer of mine was using a broken process in one of our systems to help with their own fincanical game. When I found out about it I spoke to my peer and explained that while this may fill there pockets now there are implications and harm caused to the company by engaging in this activity. They ignored my warning and I started to get complaints from customers when the thing promised was not done. The system had rectofied itself and the thing that my peer was doing was no longer working and it was impacting customers. I proceeded to being this to the attention of management and I am not entirely sure what happened to my peer (confidential) but there were no more unethical activities persued by this individual that I observed. Of course we fixed any customer issue however at a cost to the organization.
Describe how your general education courses have influenced your ethical values.
My general education courses have allowed me to explore what it truely means to be ethical and what business impacts lack of ethics creates. It has not swayed my values but has improved them with finding supporting evidence to my values.
JWood, (2017). Responsibilities of an Educated Person, Obtained from;

Explain what it means to be ethical as it relates to personal, academic, and professional growth.
Ethical has always been a term to me that is right and wrong. Having respect towards people is a huge one for personal. Treat others how you want to be treated. Professional would be respecting people’s interactions. A scenario would be about your supervisor being honest and not siding with one person without hearing every story. Academic would be to try your hardest, don’t copy and post without citing your references. Some are still learning the whole concept of APA reference and we will get there. Don’t take credit for someone else’s hard work. Do your own, but cite what you need.
Provide at least one ethical dilemma you have encountered, and describe how the issue was resolved.
I don’t personally have an example of an ethical dilemma I have personally encountered at my recent job. Some ethical dilemmas I have seen in the past is a huge one is stealing. Don’t try to cover up for people and lose your job as well. Lying, I feel like is a big one as well seom jobs come up on. Be truthful and keep doing you and get the job done and go home to your family. Every issue will resolve in your hands if you are honest. Once you lie, everyone loses respect for you and you can’t be trusted again.
I love where I work. I have worked at a children’s hospital for six years and it’s been amazing. If I had to choose one dilemma I think staff comes across is becoming attached to family. You can’t give your number or be friends on social networks with these families because of HIPPA and you can lose your license. So choosing to keep your job, which I know everyone does, it’s still hard not to watch someone grow up you have primaried for months on end especially the friendships you have with the parents.
Describe how your general education courses have influenced your ethical values.
The general education courses have influenced me as always. Stay and be kind. You don’t know someone else’s story unless you talk to them. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Respect everyone and never think you are better than someone. Everyone starts somewhere, and as long as they are starting even if it’s a long bumpy journey, give credit when credit is due.
I am 30 years old and I went back to school when I just turned 28. So starting back over later is harder. I give props to everyone my age or older. We can do this. you can do this. Go after your dreams and stay focused!

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