Business Information Systems
Project Guidelines
Project Overview
Inthisprojectstudentswillanalyzeinformationsystemsdeployedinacompany.Theanalysis should describe the specific nature of the industry the company works in and the types of systems deployed by the business (company) and how these systems generate competitive advantage for the company. Students must apply the knowledge gained through the course byusingspecificexamplesthatarerelevantforthecompanyanditsbusinessactivities.
Project Report Components
1. Introduction: Background and Activity Description [20 marks]
1.1 Companyname
1.2 Type of business structure: Sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership orcorporation.
1.3 Location: Where is the companyheadquartered?
1.4 Company history: When was the business started, what inspired to start the business, what need does the businessfulfill?
1.5 Mission statement: A clear statement that represents the purpose of the company and what it aspires tobe.
1.6 Products/services and target market: A brief overview of what is being sold and to whom.
1.7 Objectives:Anoutlineofwhatthecompanywantstoaccomplishinthenearfuture as well as future growthgoals.
2. Description of Industry andCompetition [15 marks]
• Description of the industry in which the company operates:
2.1 Give a brief overview of theindustry.
2.2 Review trends and growth patterns that have existed within theindustry.
2.3 Identify factors that influence theindustry.
• Description ofCompetition
2.4 Who are the main competitors and what are their productofferings
2.5 Strengths and weaknesses of their (competitors’)business.
3. Overview of Business InformationSystems [20 marks]
Describe one information system that is being used in the company. For each system students need to describe:
3.1 The business processes related to the system in relation to the functional departments whether it relates to sales, marketing, finance / accounting, customer service, human resources, research and development, production, distribution or inventorymanagement.
3.2 How does the system generate value for the company’sbusiness?
3.2.1 Fromfunctional,strategic,andsupportperspectives(accordingto the business processes itsupports).
3.2.2 How does this value reflect positively on the financial, internal business processes, and customerperspectives?
4. Overview of the Infrastructure supporting the systemsanalyzed [10 marks]
In this section students are required to describe the infrastructure used in the previously described system according to:
4.1 Systems Management (Hardware and Software)
4.2 Network Management (wireless and wired networkoperations)
4.3 StorageManagement.
5. Discussion of IT and Data Securitymeasures [10 marks]
5.1 The group will describe the data security policy that relates to processes and methodologies involved for keeping information confidential, available, and assuring itsintegrity.
6. Competitive advantage and Recommendations on the BIS strategy of thecompany [10 marks]
6.1 According to the previous points the group should identify recommendations or areas/plans for improvement which can support the success / profitability / competitive positioning of the company in relation to its informationsystems.
7. CONCLUSION [10 marks]
The group concludes by summarizing the impact of the recommendations of previous section.
– Title page(1 mark)
– The Title can be something like: “Analysis of Business Information Systems of………. (Name of company)”. This should be a separate page. You can include a photograph or logo of the company as well
– .
– Table of contents(1 mark)
– The Table of Contents must indicate the headings in the project as well as the page numbers. The Table of Contents must also be on a separate page.
– Basic formatting for the project: (2 marks)
– Use numbered headings and paragraphs. This will make referrals easier and will make references to the Table of Contents easier.
– The Font size should be 12. You should use Times New Roman or Arial Font
– Page layout should be portrait.
– You must quote and include any references you use. Any references used should be included in a list of references at the back of your project.
– Structure of the project (1 mark)
– The main structure for the project should use headings. Those should be numbered and use bold typeface:
– CAPS and BOLD for the main headings
– Bold, for the subheadings and
– Bold and Italics for the sub-subheadings
Business Information Systems
DUE DATE: Check the Calendar
PAGE COUNT: Minimum 16 pages.
CONDITIONS: This is a Group (3 – 5 students)assessment task.
Tasks must be handed in before the deadline. Failure to submit on time will result in a deduction of 10% for each day over the deadline.
Any question regarding the project requirements are welcomed.
DETAILS: In this project you will select a medium or large company and review the information systems deployed for the creation of value and competitive advantage in the business. Your discussion should address the specific nature of the industry the company is in as it shapes the types of systems deployed by the business and the ways in which their daily use helps create the product or service and generates competitive advantage. Read the instructions carefully. Do not just put generic theory; the discussion must be specific, you must apply the material and tools covered in class sessions. You must use specific examples that are relevant for the company and its business activities.