Personal Nutrition Journal #1: My Diet and My Goal
When you click on this link, it will open the Journal. Write your discussion directly on the Journal page. You have edit privileges, so you can make any corrections or additions as you go. These directions are also posted on the Journal page so you can review them to make sure you don’t miss any step.
In your entry, reflect on each of the following questions. You may write your answers in outline form.
1. Do you know of anything in your family’s medical history that might predispose you to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes Type 2, osteoporosis, or any of the other chronic health conditions with which certain foods or diet has been associated?
I have a family history of diabetes Type 2, high blood pressure, colon cancer, obesity, and high cholesterol so you can add
it to the journal
2. What are the barriers you see in your daily life that impact your ability to follow a “healthy eating pattern “on a regular basis? Once these barriers are identified, you may be able to figure out ways around them!
I don’t cook often and I have a tight work and school (college) schedule and I eat out most of the time. Add it to the journal as well
3. Reviewing the Macronutrient Distribution Report, does your average intake over this three-day period reflect “proportionality” as discussed in the Guidelines? (Remember that proportionality refers to the amount of calories consumed from each macronutrient within the total daily caloric intake.)
4. When considering the Intake Compared to DRI Report, are there specific nutrients that are significantly under or over the DRIs? Consider micronutrients as well as macronutrients when you are answering this question.
5. How does the My Plate report help you to evaluate your current diet?
6. Finally, set one realistic, achievable goal for bringing your current diet more into line with the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines. This goal should be short term – something you can realistically achieve in the six weeks we have together. Make it small and doable within the context of the barriers you outlined in #2.
7. When you have finished writing your discussion, attach the three required reports as Word documents or PDFs.
Disclaimer: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage self-assessment and reflection. You are encouraged to share in this Journal entry only the information relevant to making positive changes in your eating patterns, based on the three reports your generated in iProfile. Details about your family’s medical history, your personal health status, your use of alcohol, or any current medical condition are neither required nor encouraged, unless you choose to share them. This is a private journal, and only the instructor will read it, but nothing posted online is ever 100% secure. Please keep that in mind.
Your PNJ discussion is due by midnight, Sunday, September 13. Don’t forget to attach the three required reports.