framing languages
. From a recent (since 01 July 2020) published source, find and quote one (1) statement that clearly illustrates framing language as described in the reading. – This example needs to come from some source you might listen to, read, or watch in your everyday life. – An example you get from a websearch (e.g., Google) cannot be used as it would be the search engine (not you) that identified it. – An example from a source that addresses critical thinking, logic, psychology, rhetoric, language, or related topics cannot be used. – See the General Guidelines for DQs 2-8 for additional requirements about acceptable sources, examples, etc. – We are looking at individual statements in this DQ. What you quote will be just one (1) sentence. – The textbook and other resources offers plenty of examples of framing language to guide you in searching for your example (pp. 48-51). Obviously, you cannot use those examples. 2. Cite the source of your example. A weblink is sufficient for a citation. 3. Clearly and fully explain how the language in your example frames the issue, event, or subject matter. – Some things you might consider: Is a particular worldview is assumed by the language? Does the language make you feel positive, negative, or invoke a specific emotion? What particular words/phrases are chosen or omitted? Etc. This is not an exhaustive list of considerations and some may not apply to every example. They are meant as a starting point. Look to the textbook to guide your discussion. 4. Rewrite the claim so that it (a) presents the issue/event/subject in a neutral manner OR (b) presents the issue/event/subject in distinctly new frame. Choose only one (1) — “a” or “b,” and clearly label which one you are doing. 5. Clearly an