The Negative Impacts of Mishandling Customer Complaints in the Food Industry: Xase Study Waffle House



In this SLP you will use statistical tests and graphics to determine if measures are significantly different across some specified criteria. Since your research is focused on one firm, you will be testing across relatively small sets of data. With such small sets of data, the tests do not assume normality that is required of parametric statistics. In parametric statistics, samples are drawn from a population so as to make generalizations from that population. For the tests you are doing in your dissertation, you will use small sample t-tests and visualizations.

For the United Way, this spreadsheet shows the donations across 14 of their major corporate partners. The donations are broken out by gender. Not only are they interested in the total gifts from each firm but also the break-out by gender and the average per person donation. Here is an image of the clickable spreadsheet shown in Figure 7.

I will upload the figure in files.

Assignment Details

Using the secondary data for your selected firm, produce an analysis that compares some key criteria to show the selected areas of focus in your research on your firm. This analysis will help you to show the importance of your research question for this firm and set the stage for the qualitative research you are about to undertake.

Produce a spreadsheet with associated graphs, also provide a page or two to discuss this data analysis and the conclusions you have drawn. Add this to the growing work you have on the Background for the firm you are studying. By integrating this work into your Background section, you will have completed an important addition for the appendix of your Dissertation. So be sure that you put together all five SLPs that tell the story of why you selected this firm for your Dissertation and how your analysis supports the importance of the work you will be doing on this dissertation research.

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