Mid Term
Midterm Exam
Directions: Write an essay based on one of the topics below. Conduct research to support your argument. You should provide a detailed response and examples to support your argument. Your essay should be 2-4 pages, double-spaced. You will not receive extra points for writing a longer essay. What I am looking for is a well-constructed and consistent argument. Please also check for spelling and grammatical mistakes as these will also be taken into consideration when grading your essay. This essay functions as your mid-term grade and accounts for 10 percent of your final grade. If you need help with the structure of your essay or want to send me a rough draft, you may do so. However, you are not required to submit a rough draft. Most importantly, whether or not your opinion is the same as mine is not a factor in your grade. What I am looking for is a strong and logical argument. You may use as many outside resources, including sources from the Internet, as you would like to support your answer, but you should cite your work.
**Use APA format, 12 point font
This paper is DUE at the end of WEEK FOUR. During that week, there will be no quiz or Weekly Discussion Questions.
Choose from one of the following FOUR topics
1) Capitalistic and socialist ideologies have different perspectives about the role of the state in terms of its relationship to the citizenry. Compare and contrast the role of the central government/state under each ideology. What are the differences between these two modes of thought? Are there any similarities? What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each type of state?
2) Define the difference between ‘soft power’ and ‘hard power’. Then make an argument as to whether US foreign policy should favor soft power or hard power. Use reasons, details and examples to support your answer.
3) Do some research and write a paper comparing the American two-party system versus the system of Proportional Representation, including the advantages and disadvantages of each. Then based on research, discuss the outcome of political participation in each system. Finally, declare which system you prefer and why.
4) Do some research on the history of both the Republican and Democratic parties. Historically speaking, in what ways have they ‘switched’ or ‘swapped’ platforms and what were the main causes of this? What is the current political platform of each party and how may that evolve in the future?