HE009 Population Health Management Case Study Assignment
HE009: Population Health Management: Develop initiatives in collaboration with public health and community-based organizations to improve
the health of the population.
Assessment Rubric
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
Part I: Needs Analysis
Sub-Competency 1: Conduct a needs analysis to identify a health initiative and population within a community.
Learning Objective LO 1.1: Describe the priority community or population.
Description of the priority
community or population
is not present.
Description of the priority
community or population
is present but lacks clarity,
definition, and/or specific
boundaries and
Description of the priority
community or population
is present.
Specific boundaries and
parameters define the
priority community or
Description of the priority
community or population
aligns with other elements
of the need’s analysis.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following:
Rationale for selecting this community or population is provided.
Learning Objective LO 1.2 Compare chosen indicators to state and national levels.
Comparison is not present. Response includes fewer
than five chosen
indicators. Comparison is
to the state or national
data, but not both.
Response is not supported
by relevant
Response includes five
chosen indicators.
Comparison to both state
and national data is
thorough and accurate.
Response includes a list of
chosen indicators with
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Comparison includes statistics spanning the past five years for the priority population.
©2014 Walden University 2
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
comparison to the state or
national levels.
Response is supported by
Learning Objective LO 1.3 Identify stakeholders
from the priority
population to serve as
community-based data
List of stakeholders is not present.
Response includes fewer
than three stakeholders.
Contains no rational
selection of stakeholders
in relation to the priority
Response contains a list of at least three stakeholders (individuals, organization types, etc.) representing the priority population from which to receive feedback concerning perceived health needs. Contains an explanation of how the stakeholders are relevant to the priority population.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response lists specific, real organization names that have a history of serving the priority population
Learning Objective LO 1.4: Identify the health need to be addressed in a health initiative.
Identification of the need is not present.
Identification of the need
is present but is not clearly
or succinctly stated.
Identification of the need
for a health initiative is
present but does not fully
Identification of the need
is present and is clearly
and succinctly stated.
Identification of the need
for a health initiative fully
aligns with the priority
community or population.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response includes an explanation of the impetus for this initiative, i.e., existing health mandates
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0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
align with the priority
community or population.
Identification of the need
to be addressed is based
on gaps between
indicators among
population and
state/national averages.
or community demand is addressed.
Learning Objective LO 1.5: Justify the need for a health initiative.
Justification for a health initiative is not present.
Justification for the health initiative is present but does not persuasively support the need. Need for the health initiative is not sufficiently supported by data.
Justification for the health initiative is present and persuasively supports the need. Resources that are in place
for the priority population
are described.
Needs of the priority
population that are not
being met are described.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response includes a brief history of how this health need has arisen in the population is described.
Learning Objective LO 1.6: Apply research skills to obtain reliable data for determining a health need.
Response does not include resources.
Response includes less than five reliable data sources. Response is not supported
by relevant
Response references at least five reliable data sources. Response includes a variety of resources, including both quantitative and qualitative data.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Data sources include national health outcomes indicators such as those listed in Healthy People
©2014 Walden University 4
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
Response is supported by
2020, BRFSS, or YRBSS sources.
Learning Objective LO 1.7: Describe financial and human resources, policies, and programs for a specific population.
Response does not describe all resource categories (financial and human resources, policies, programs).
Response describes some resource categories (financial and human resources, policies, programs).
Response describes all resource categories (financial, human, policies, programs) with one example for each.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Response includes assessing what it means to have strength in one or two chosen categories but not the others (e.g. strong financial resources, but weak policies).
PS006: Information Literacy: Apply appropriate strategies to identify relevant and credible information and data in order to effectively analyze issues and make decisions.
Professional Skill 6.2: Analyze findings from relevant sources.
Analysis is missing. Analysis superficially reflects relevance of findings to the identified problem, issue, or purpose.
Analysis clearly reflects relevance of findings to the identified problem, issue, or purpose.
Analysis clearly reflects relevance of findings to the identified problem, issue, or purpose, and synthesizes findings to generate new insights.
Part 2: Planning Model for a Health Initiative
Sub-Competency 2: Describe the planning model used for a health initiative.
©2014 Walden University 5
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
Learning Objective
LO 2.1 Compose goals
and objectives for a
health initiative.
Response does not include
goals or objectives.
Response includes either
goals or objectives, but not
both, or an incomplete
number of objectives.
Response includes the goal
(at least one) and
objectives (2-3) clearly
appropriate for the health
needs of the priority
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Description of how the objectives are SMART— specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound.
Learning Objective
LO 2.2 Select a
planning model for use
with a health initiative.
Identification and
description of a planning
model is not present.
Description of a planning
model is present but is
unclear, incomplete
and/or inaccurate.
Response is not supported
by relevant
Description of the planning
model is clear, complete
and accurate.
Description of the planning
model includes a rationale
for why it is an appropriate
choice for this health
initiative and how your
initiative addresses each
component of the model.
Response is supported by
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Description of the planning model includes examples of other initiatives in which the model has been successfully applied in the past.
Learning Objective LO 2.3: Identify the inputs (i.e., resources, stakeholders, agencies, and organizations) that
Inputs are not present.
Inputs are present but are incomplete and/or not in alignment with other elements of the model.
Inputs include evidence of collaboration between a public health agency and community-based organization.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Inputs demonstrate a comprehensive and
©2014 Walden University 6
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
will address a health initiative.
Inputs align with the needs of the health initiative. Inputs include at least four resources appropriate to the initiative.
thoughtful array of resources, stakeholders, agencies and organizations. Inputs include more than four resources appropriate to the initiative.
Learning Objective LO 2.4: Describe activities utilizing each step/phase of the planning model.
Activities are not present.
Activities may be assigned to the steps/phases of the planning model, but not all.
Activities demonstrate a connection to the guidance provided by the planning model. Activities are clearly and succinctly described. Activities align to the outcomes and goal(s) of the health initiative. Activities demonstrate a variety of approaches to reaching the priority audience. Activities demonstrate collaboration between a public health agency and community-based organization.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Activities are culturally
appropriate and are based
on documented cultural
competence practices or
national standards.
©2014 Walden University 7
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
Learning Objective LO 2.5: Describe intended outcomes of a health initiative.
Intended outcomes are not present.
Intended outcomes may be present but are not stated completely or appropriately. Outcomes and goals may be present but do not align with Inputs, Activities, or identified community need.
Intended outcomes of a health initiative are present. Short-term, intermediate- term, and long-term outcomes clearly state sequential desired results of the initiative. Outcomes describe the overall purpose for the initiative.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Intended outcomes consider addressing multiple documented risk factors pertaining to the community need identified.
Part 3: Timeline for Initiating a Health Initiative
Sub-Competency 3: Develop a timeline for implementing a health initiative.
Learning Objective LO 3.1: Organize a logical sequence of events that should be included in a 1-year timeline leading to the launch of a health initiative.
A logical sequence of events is not present.
Elements listed on the timeline are incomplete. Some but not all of the timeline demonstrates a logical sequence of events.
Timeline demonstrates a complete and logical sequence of time-sensitive events. Sequence of the events on the timeline demonstrates appropriate dependencies of different milestones Timeline demonstrates an appropriate length of time between milestones.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Collaboration with stakeholders is evident in the timeline.
©2014 Walden University 8
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
Part 4: Budget Proposal for a Health Initiative
Sub-Competency 4: Create a budget proposal for a health initiative.
Learning Objective LO 4.1: Organize projected expenses (what will need to be paid for) in a budget proposal for a health initiative.
List of expenses on the budget table template is missing.
List of expenses included on the budget table template is incomplete and/or poorly stated
List of expenses included on the budget table template in the budget proposal is complete. List of expenses included on the budget table template is well organized by categories to enhance readability and comprehension.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Budget table template identifies 3–4 projected expenses that present some risk and over which stakeholders have less control.
Learning Objective LO 4.2: Identify projected costs for a budget proposal.
Projected costs on the budget table template are missing.
Projected costs on the budget table template are incomplete or inaccurate.
Projected costs on the budget table template are complete and logical, and align to appropriate expenses. Total of expense categories and overall program total included.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Budget table template identifies 3–4 projected costs that might fluctuate significantly due to
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0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
market changes or through the possibility of funding.
Learning Objective LO 4.3: Support a budget proposal through targeted explanation.
A budget narrative is not present.
A budget narrative is present but does not sufficiently address targeted elements of the budget proposal.
The budget narrative includes all budgeted items and appropriate rationale for targeted elements of the budget proposal.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Narrative addresses some risks that may impact the budget, and offers ideas for overcoming these risks should they occur.
Learning Objective LO 4.4: Recommend potential funding sources for the health initiative.
Potential funding sources are not present.