Recommend Potential Community Partner Collaborations
Collaboration plan is not present.
Collaboration plan is present but does not provide adequate description of how a public health agency and a community-based organization will collaborate to achieve the goal(s) of the health initiative.
Collaboration plan identifies and describes the public health agency and the community-based organization.
Collaboration plan aligns with the needs of the health initiative.
Collaboration plan explains how these organizations will work together to achieve the goal(s) of the health initiative.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following:
Collaboration plan describes opportunities and barriers that might impact this collaboration.
Part 5: Logic Model for a Health Initiative
Sub-Competency 5: Create a logic model for a health initiative.
Learning Objective LO 5.1: Logic model graphically reflects the resources, stakeholders, agencies, and organizations (inputs) that will address a health initiative.
Inputs in the logic model graphic are not present.
Inputs are present in the logic model graphic but are not placed in the appropriate sequential order or category.
Inputs are present in the logic model graphic and are in alignment with the rest of the model. Inputs in the graphic demonstrate a logical “if- then” sequence in the logic model.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Logic model graphic includes an additional label that conveys the relationship of the inputs to steps/phases in the planning model for each logic model entry.
©2014 Walden University 11
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
Learning Objective LO 5.2: Logic model graphically reflects specific activities intended to achieve desired outcomes of a health initiative.
Activities are not present in the logic model graphic.
Activities are present in the logic model graphic but are not placed in the appropriate sequential order or category.
Activities are present in the logic model graphic and are in alignment with the rest of the model. Activities in the graphic demonstrate a logical “if- then” sequence in the logic model.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Logic model graphic includes an additional label that conveys the relationship of the activities to steps/phases in the planning model for each logic model entry.
Learning Objective LO 5.3: Logic model graphically reflects intended outcomes and goal(s) of a health initiative.
Intended outcomes and goal(s) are not present in the logic model graphic.
Intended outcomes and goal(s) may be present in the logic model graphic but are not placed in the appropriate sequential order or category. Outcomes and goals are present in the logic model but do not align with Inputs and Activities.
Intended outcomes are present in the logic model and are placed in the appropriate sequential order or category. Outcomes and goals are present in the logic model and align with Inputs and Activities
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following: Logic model graphic includes an additional label that conveys the relationship of outcomes to steps/phases in the planning model for each logic model entry.
PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills.
Professional Skill 1.4: Apply APA style to written work.
APA conventions are not applied.
APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied inconsistently.
APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are generally applied correctly in most instances. Sources are generally cited
APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied correctly and consistently throughout the paper. Sources are consistently cited
©2014 Walden University 12
0 Not Present
1 Needs Improvement
2 Meets Expectations
3 Exceeds Expectations
appropriately and accurately.
appropriately and accurately.
Professional Skill 1.5: Use appropriate vocabulary and tone for the audience and purpose.
Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate and negatively impact clarity of concepts to be conveyed.
Vocabulary and tone have limited relevance to the audience.
Vocabulary and tone are generally appropriate for the audience and support communication of key concepts.
Vocabulary and tone are consistently tailored to the audience and effectively and directly support communication of key concepts.
PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best practice.
Professional Skill 5.2: Generate reasonable and appropriate assumptions.
Assumptions are missing. Response does not adequately present and discuss key assumptions in an original argument.
Response presents and discusses key assumptions in an original argument.
Response justifies the reasonableness and need for assumptions in an original argument.
Professional Skill 5.4: Use problem-solving skills.
Problems and solutions are not identified.
Response presents solutions, but they are ineffective in addressing the specific problem.
Response presents solutions that are practical and work in addressing the specific problem.
Response presents compelling supporting arguments for proposed solutions.