Nursing Multidimensional Care1

Module 10 Written Assignment – Pharmacological Treatments for Arthritis
Purpose of the Assignment
1. Identify the common pharmacologic treatments for inflammatory diseases of the human body
2. Review potential effects medication have on the clients’ basic care and comfort needs
3. Identify nursing interventions meeting to basic care of comfort needs of clients’ receiving these pharmacological agents
Course Competencies
• Describe strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing immunologic, infectious and inflammatory disorders.
• Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders.
• Select appropriate nursing interventions when providing multidimensional care to clients experiencing alterations in mobility.
Complete the table directly below these instructions in your own words for each of the following medications:
• Ibuprofen
• Methotrexate
• Leflunomide
• Hydroxychloroquine
• Infliximab
• Anakinra
• Abatacept
• Rituximab
• Golimumab
• Tocilizumab
Use at least two scholarly sources to support your findings. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.
You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:
Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

generic and trade name
drug classification Medication Mechanism of
Action Common
Side Effects Pertinent
Nursing Implications
Patient Teaching

generic and trade name
drug classification Medication Mechanism of
Action Common
Side Effects Pertinent
Nursing Implications
Patient Teaching

Module 10 Written Assignment – Pharmacological Treatments for Arthritis Rubric
Total Assessment Points: 35
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Emerging
Limited or developing demonstration of criteria. Competence
Adequate or basic demonstration of criteria. Proficiency
Clear or effective demonstration of criteria. Mastery
Advanced or exceeds demonstration of criteria.
Drug Names, Classification, Mechanism of Action
(5 Pts) Information is accurate and complete. Information is accurate, complete and is paraphrased. Information is accurate, complete, and written in own words and relates to disease process. Information is accurate, complete, written in own words, and relates medication to disease process, and applies to improving diseases.
Points: 0-2 Points:3 Points:4 Points:5
Common Side Effects
(10 Pts) Common side effects listed. Identifies common side effects and relates to. Explains common side effects. Prioritizes common side effects.
Points:0-7 Points:8 Points:9 Points:10
Pertinent Nursing Implications and Patient Teaching
(10 Pts) Implications or patient teaching listed. Identifies implications and patient teaching Explains implications and patient teaching. Prioritizes implications and patient teaching
Points:0-7 Points:8 Points:9 Points:10
APA Citation
(5 Pts) Description:
APA in-text citations and references are missing. Description:
Attempted to use APA in-text citations and references. Description:
APA in-text citations and references are used with few errors. Description:
APA in-text citations and references are used correctly.
Points:0-2 Points:3 Points:4 Points:5
Spelling and Grammar

(5 Pts) Description:
Numerous spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material. Description:
Some spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material. Description:
Few spelling and grammar errors. Description:
Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors.
Points: 0-2 Points:3 Points:4 Points:5

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