Customer Pain Assignment

Write a 1-page executive summary and a brief statement that I can present in 60 seconds include the following elements below. Due at 3:00 pm on Jan 21

A 1-Page Executive Summary (submit separate)
60 second rapid-fire in-person pitch (present in front of class)
Be prepared to give your 60 second pitch of your pain point during class
The Pain Presentation is your first major assignment. The pain presentation is a persuasive presentation in which you must pitch your “customer pain point” to the class. Much like a professional pitch to a client or management team your goal is to:
Clearly describe the problem
Demonstrate your depth of understanding
Tell a compelling story about the opportunity involved with solving this customer pain point.
You have artistic license to structure your presentation in the way you feel is most persuasive; however, your executive summary should include the following elements:

Describe your pain

In 140 characters what is the pain that you are solving?
What are the different elements of this pain point?
Why does this problem exist? What are the causes?
How strong is the pain? Why do you think so?
Describe your Customer

Customer Characteristics/profile
Number of individuals with this problem?
Identify Current Solutions
How are customers currently solving this problem?
Why are these solutions falling short?
Present your Solution Vision

What types of solutions do you think might solve this problem?
Why do you feel like you (and your classmates) could make meaningful progress towards a solution this semester?
Tell a Story about Impact

For the customer

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