Power Point
Topic: Training Strategy Briefing (Power Point Presentation)
Assignment Instructions:Prepare a briefing that describes your training strategy as a Sergeant Majorand discuss the training management process.The presentation will describe the application of the training managementconcept(s). Studentsmustdisplayaclearunderstandingofkeyprinciplesusingrealworldexamples.
The requirements for this presentation are:
1. This is an information briefing, not areading.
2. The presentation will be no less than 18 minutes and no more than 22minutes.
3. Presentation will consist of 6 to 10 slides (including Title Slide, Agenda, Conclusion, & References). Do not exceed 10 totalslides.
4. May use up to two other visual aids such as charts and diagrams ifdesired.
Readings (please google):
a. ADP 7-0, Training 2019: Read chapters 1 thru 4 (18 pages)
b. FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations_2014: Read chapters 7 & 9 (57 pages)
c. FM 7-0, Train to Win In a Complex World_ 2016: Read chapters 1 & 2 (42 pages)
d. TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1, The US Army in Multi-Domain Operations 2028_2018: Read para 1-1 Purpose (1 paragraph); Appendix B (2 pages)
e. AR 350-1, Army Training and Leader Development_2017: Read Section III Goals of Army Training para. 1-8 thru 1-10 (3paragraphs)
f. ADP 6-22, Army Leadership_2019: Read chapter 10 (8 pages)
g. The Seasoned Executive’s Decision-Making Style (5 pages)
h. TRADOC Pamphlet 525-8-2, The Army Learning Concept for Training and Education for 2020-2040_2017: Read chapters 2 & 3 (22 pages)
Rubrics and PowerPoint slide deck, attached separately.
Performance Level
0-4 5-7 8-10
Introduction – Total 10
No attention step. No clear purpose. No
stated classification. No stated briefing type.
No introduction of major points (agenda).
Attention step was vague or not tied to
presentation. Purpose was presented, but
not focused or completely relevant. Stated
inappropriate classification or briefing
type for the task and purpose. Vague or
partial introduction of major points.
Attention step was effective and
appropriate. Purpose was clearly
stated, focused, and relevant to the
presentation. Stated appropriate
classification for the presentation.
Stated appropriate briefing type.
Clearly introduced major points
(agenda) relevant to the purpose.
Development – Total 60
Major points did not support purpose. Major points partially supported purpose. Major points fully supported purpose.
Failed to consider different viewpoints. Presented multiple viewpoints, but did
not completely reason through them.
Clearly and fairly discussed all
Failed to show how evidence supports main
Clear analysis supported main
Speaker failed to consider audience’s prior
Generally considered the audience’s
prior knowledge of the topic, talked
above or below that knowledge.
Considered the audience’s prior
knowledge, biases, and agendas.
Did not address implications &
consequences of the assertions or
recommendations. Contained two or more
fallacies within the presentation.
Partially addressed implications and
consequences of the assertions or
Fully developed implications and
consequences of the assertions or
No transitions. Automation distracted from
the speaker’s main points/assertion or
overloaded the audience.
One fallacies or the appearance of one
existed within the presentation. Presentation was free of fallacies.
Conclusion – Total 10
Conclusion did not support purpose. No
conclusion. No transition to next speaker.
Conclusion partially supported purpose.
Conclusion was not strongly tied to the
evidence and reasoning or it was not
concise. Transition to the next speaker
was vague or incomplete.
Conclusion is clear, reinforces
purpose and major parts of the
briefing.Conclulsion was fully
justified by the evidence and
reasoning and it was concise. Well
defined transition to next speaker.
Style and Mechanics – Total 20
Diction or tone was not appropriate for
audience or purpose. Body language was
inappropriate or unprofessional.
Diction and tone were generally
appropriate for audience and purpose.
Body language did not always enhance
the presentation.
Diction and tone were clear, articulate
and drew the audience into the
presentation. Body language
enhanced the presentation.
Did not anticipate or respond to questions.
Inappropriate setting, classroom, or use of
Did not fully answer the questions that
were asked. Demonstrated some
difficulty managing the setting,
classroom, or equipment.
Anticipated questions and answered
questions with clarity, accuracy,
and precision. Completely managed
the setting, classroom, and/or
100 Possible Points – Sub Total
Did not meet time alloted time requirement = Subtract 31 points
Analysis partially supported main