Investigate Evidence-Based Solutions for Addressing Educational Issues
For the final assignment of your program, use your webcam and Kaltura to prepare a reflection video that responds to all the following prompts:
Part I
Think back to the early courses of your MEd or MEd-EDL program. Which major problem in education interested you at that time? What were the proposed solutions scholars suggested then? What solutions did you suggest then? Did you work on that same problem in the Capstone course? Why or why not? It is fine if you did not.
Part II
Now consider your knowledge, skills, and attitudes as a researcher and writer. What changes have you seen in your research and writing abilities since the start of the program?
Part III
Imagine that you are being asked to advise a new MEd or MEd-EdL student about the skills an NCU graduate ought to possess. Give the new student one example of how you would apply what you learned in this program to your chosen problem from Week 3 for only the program learning outcome that corresponds to your program.
MEd: Investigate evidence-based solutions for addressing educational, organizational, and community issues.
MEd-EdL: Facilitate effective educational leadership vision and integrity through strategic planning involving data-driven decision-making and evidence-based practice.
I’m thinking of a relationship with a close friend using social penetration theory.
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For this 4-5 page paper, think about a relationship that has evolved in some way (can be one you have experienced yourself or have observed). Perhaps there was a predictable progression, a clunky transition, a growth spurt, relational push-pull, a change in status, a shift in relational satisfaction, etc. What concept could be used to explain what occured?
Choose ONE of the following constructs to apply to the relationship.
● Uncertainty ● Expectancy violations ● Relationship stages ● Relational dialectics ● Social penetration
The paper should proceed as follows:
Brief intro with Thesis
Each paper must advance a clear and specific thesis. In a brief introduction, set the stage for what you’re going to cover and present your thesis at the end of this intro. Please underline your thesis. In preparing your thesis statement, select one particular theory or concept and then word your thesis to show how the concept directly applies to your relationship or encounter. You can’t cover an entire chapter’s worth of concepts so the focus must be narrowed down. Here are examples, but of course you should develop your own:
In this relationship, differing preferences for autonomy and connection sparked a re-evaluation of expectations. In this relationship, unresolved conflicts in the differentiating stage led us to circumscribing. In this relationship, high frequency of communication combined with a lack of depth resulted in a casual dynamic.
Background What is the concept you’re working with?
Identify and define the concept or theory you have selected. Include important definitions and the concept’s connection to relevant aspects of interpersonal communication. Be clear, accurate, and thorough here. You can rely on your textbook for this information – outside research is not required. (Be sure to properly cite material or ideas from any outside source, including the textbook).
How does the concept apply to your relationship or encounter?
In this section, present the communication behavior and outcomes that advance your thesis. Refer to things interactants did/said, direct quotes, observable situations/scenarios, nonverbal behavior, reactions, etc. Use these concrete observations as the “data” to support your claims in this section. Avoid indirect or vague impressions. For example, it is better to write “Liz showed her hesitance to get personal by talking about the weather” rather than “Liz seemed impersonal.”
What’s your assessment or takeaway?
This section involves a candid examination and interpretation of the relationship or encounter. Discuss the ways in which knowledge of the concept or principle might improve the communication of the relational interactants. What could have been done differently? Get insightful here!
● 4 FULL pages minimum – this means you must hit the bottom of the fourth page. Anything under the full four is eligible for no higher than a C. Even 3.5 pages gets no higher than a C.
● Large font, margins, or spacing = short length (have I made my point about length yet?) ● Please avoid “fluff” or “filler” types of things (i.e., a drawn-out introduction, extra return
spacing, repeating yourself in different words, etc.). Format:
● Standard font and margins, double spaced. ● Feel free to use MLA or APA, but I don’t grade on that. ● Cite any outside sources you consult, paraphrase, or quote.