Examining Obstacles That Contribute To The Controversy

400-500 words

Basing your Answer post on the readings below, how might you summarize some common obstacles to assessment? To what extent are these obstacles actual or perceived? Are any of them created by assumptions or inaccurate information? How would you summarize the controversy over assessment? Remember to provide citations from the readings for the information that you use in your answer.

Banta, T. W., & Blaich, C. (2011). Closing the assessment loop. Change, 43(1), 22–27.
Kinzie, J. (2010). Perspectives from campus leaders on the current state of student learning outcomes assessment. Assessment Update, 22(5), 1–15.
From Denial to Acceptance: The Stages of Assessment [PDF].
Opening Doors to Faculty Involvement in Assessment [PDF].
This article examines the controversy of faculty involvement in assessment and proposes ways to develop collaborative efforts for successful assessment on campuses. As you read this important article, consider how it applies not only to faculty but also to staff members such as student services personnel and administrators.

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