communicable disease


Write a scholarly paper in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Choose one communicable disease. Note that the disease must be a communicable disease between human beings. For example: Diabetes is NOT a communicable disease since it cannot be transmitted from one human to another.

Epidemiology Paper Requirements

Include the following in your assignment:

A thorough description of the disease including causes, mode of transmission, symptoms, treatment and complications. Discuss the demographic most affected-incidence, prevalence, morbidity and mortality. Note that the name of the disease genus/species is to be in lower case italic letters such as escherichia coli, when included in your paper

What are the determinants of health affecting this disease?

Identify the epidemiologic triad including host, agent and environmental factors as related to this disease.

Discuss the role of the public health nurse in relation to this disease. How is the public health nurse involved in finding, reporting, collection and analysis of data and follow up?

A minimum of three references is required. The written essay should be at least 1250 words in length.

APA format is required

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