Social Science Essay

SCS 444 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
As the final step in your journey toward your Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, you will complete a capstone that integrates the knowledge and skills you have
developed throughout your program by creating a white paper and professional presentation. The white paper and presentation will address a real-life workplace
problem. You will identify the problem, provide an analysis of applicable research, apply sociological theory and concepts, and provide evidence-based
Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a 2–3-page draft of your Statement of Problem, which is a detailed summary of the selected workplace situation. All
the employees involved directly in it, along with stakeholders in the organization who are not directly involved, need to be described, including their individual
viewpoints on the situation. Also, the root sociological problem underlying the situation must be clearly explained. Refer to the critical elements and rubric below
to ensure that you are including all required information.
As indicated in the prompt in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric, you may identify a workplace problem by selecting one of the options below:
 Use your own workplace scenario that you have encountered or experienced in real life.
 Create a fictitious but realistic workplace scenario.
 Search appropriate journals (two examples are provided in this module) and/or websites to find a workplace scenario that is appropriate for this
capstone and presents various sociological issues.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
Note: The following section should be included in your white paper, although you are not limited to only this section:
I. Statement of Problem: This section should be a summary of the scenario, identifying all individuals involved in the situation and the different
perspectives that they represent, describing any related stakeholders such as managers, clients, or vendors, and describing the root problem. In general,
include all information that you think is necessary to establish a comprehensive analysis for yourscenario.
Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must be submitted as a 2–3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and any sources cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Meets Expectations (100%) In Progress (75%) Does Not Meet Expectations
Summary of the
Summarizes chosen scenario
comprehensively, providing all necessary
information for forming the basis of the
white paper
Summarizes chosen scenario
comprehensively, but does not provide all
necessary information for forming the
basis of the white paper
Does not summarize chosen scenario
comprehensively, and does not provide
all necessary information for forming the
basis of the white paper
Pinpoint the
Identifies and describes all stakeholders
and the various perspectives that they
Identifies and describes all stakeholders,
but not the various perspectives that they
Does not identify and describe all
stakeholders and the various perspectives
that they represent
Root Problem Describes the root problem pertinent to
the chosen scenario, critically assessing
opportunities and challenges
Describes the root problem pertinent to
the chosen scenario, but does not
critically assess opportunities and
Does not describe the root problem
pertinent to the chosen scenario, and
does not critically assess opportunities
and challenges
Articulation of
Submission has no major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding
of ideas
Total 100%

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