Violence against nurses
Textbook and Other Course Resources:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association. (6th ed.). Washington, D.C: APA.
Hook, L. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s professional nursing. (9th ed.). New York: Wolters Kluwer.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate skills using technology to access evidence-based information to improve healthcare outcomes
2. Discuss levels of education, practice, and specialization within healthcare professions related to the delivery of safe and accessible healthcare
3. Discuss the BSN role in healthcare quality and safety using structure, the nursing process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions
4. Relate current healthcare policy, financial, and regulatory issues to BSN nursing practice
5. Discuss professionalism, role transition, and socialization of nursing issues as they relate to the BSN prepared nurse
6. Identify nursing employment opportunities for the baccalaureate prepared nurses
7. Identify the social, political, cultural, and economic factors and trends that have influenced the development of professional nursing
8. Evaluate and synthesize appropriate data and information from sources that vary in content, format, structure.
9. Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proofreading.
10. Critique their own and others’ work.
Online AttendancePolicy
Catawba professors retain the right to fail any student who is absent from 25% of class sessions. Two absences (cumulative) may result in a one letter grade deduction from the final grade after the earned points are calculated for the course. More than two absences can result in a grade of “F” (see The Catawba Catalog for details). An instructor may allow late work but that does not override or negate the absence. All absences will be used in calculating the cumulative 25% missed attendance limit.
Attendance for online sessions is based on completing assignments and/or discussion posts due for that session. A session may be referred to as a module on the syllabus; the terms are interchangeable for the purposes of attendance. A minimum of one graded assignment must be submitted during an online session to be recorded as present for that session. Failure to submit any online assignments by the last date of an online session is considered an absence for that session. Turning in a late assignment from a prior session does not count as attendance in a current session.
Examples of an absence that may justify an extension for online sessions:
• Serious illness or injury requiring you to seek medical care and miss work for at least 48 hours prior to an online due date. If you are well enough to go to work, you are well enough to post your online work.
• Serious illness or injury of a direct family member (child, parent, sibling) for which you are a primary caregiver which would cause you to miss work for at least 48 hours prior to an online due date.
• Funeral of a direct family member (child or step child, parent, sibling) within 48 hours of the end of an online session.
• Military duty within 48 hours of the end of an online session.
• A system-based power outage or system-based loss of internet-connectivity at your residence for at least 48 hours prior to an online due date. A system-based outage or loss means one that is caused by the power company or internet provider, or someone other than the student or a resident of the dwelling of the student.
• Documentation may be required to request an excused absence.
Examples of an absence that will not justify an extension for online sessions:
• Weddings including your own
• Protests, charity and fund-raising events, social or competitive events
• Work and/or business trips
• Internet connectivity problems at home or work that are due to acts of the subscriber
Students should note that attendance is also a factor in financial aid, and the receipt of financial aid may be contingent upon attending online sessions. Failure of a course due to attendance is a reportable event to financial aid.
Students are referred to the Attendance Policy in the Catawba College RN to BSN Handbook.
Catawba College Honor Code:
Students are expected to follow the Catawba College honor code guidelines. Cheating, lying, and stealing in any format are honor code violations. Violation of the policy which include academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment and possible failure of the course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and lying about academic work. A student who submits the work of others, whether in whole or in part, without proper acknowledgement or permission, or who has falsified information within his own work, is in violation of the Honor Code, and is therefore subject to appropriate sanctions resulting from such a violation. The unauthorized use of publisher-supplied materials or websites that require a fee to access which are used or accessed contrary to the copyright and payment of appropriate fees is considered stealing. All instances of suspected honor code violations will be submitted to the Office of the Associate Provost for Student Academic Success.
“As a member of the Catawba College Community, I will uphold the value of academic honesty that grounds our institution, and I will not lie, cheat, or steal.”
Plagiarism occurs when a student, with intent to deceive or with reckless disregard for proper scholarly procedures, presents any information, ideas or phrasing of another as if they were his/her own and/or does not give appropriate credit to the original source. Proper scholarly procedures require that all quoted material be identified by quotation marks or indentation on the page, and the source of information and ideas, if from another, must be identified and be attributed to that source. Students are responsible for learning proper scholarly procedures.”
Civility Policy:
Nursing students will adhere to the ANA position statement “Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence” which states:
Statement of ANA Position: ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements states that nurses are required to “create an ethical environment and culture of civility and kindness, treating colleagues, co-workers, employees, students, and others with dignity and respect.” Similarly, nurses must be afforded the same level of respect and dignity as others (ANA, 2015a). Thus, the nursing profession will no longer tolerate violence of any kind from any source. All registered nurses and employers in all settings, including practice, academia, and research must collaborate to create a culture of respect, free of incivility, bullying, and workplace violence.
Disability Statement
Disabilities Services are provided for those students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities. It is the responsibility of students who wish to request services and/or accommodations to inform the College of the disability and provide appropriate documentation of the disability to Counseling and Disability Services. Services and/or accommodations will not be honored without approval of Disability Services. The accommodation process is outlined in greater detail on the Counseling and Disability Services webpage at the Catawba College website.
Assignments/Late Assignments Policy/References
APA format (6th edition) is required for all assignments.Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior approval is received from the course instructor. Use peer-reviewed materials published within the last five (5) years. Students will need to receive approval from the instructor to use material published prior to that time.
The Writing Center
The Catawba College Writing Center provides free face-to-face consultations for all Catawba students. Writing Center tutors have been intensely trained to provide students with feedback and encouragement at all stages of the writing process (brainstorming, drafting, revising, polishing). Students who use the Writing Center should bring their assignment prompt and notes or a draft (preferably hard-copy) with them. In addition, students should be prepared to discuss the assignment they are working on and to begin making revisions, with the tutor’s guidance, during the session. The Writing Center is open afternoons (in ADMN 211) and evenings (in the Library Conference Room on the Mezzanine Level). Walk-ins are welcome, but the Writing Center honors appointments first. Appointments can be scheduled online at
Course Requirements:
Grading Scale
Numerical Ranges Letter Grade Grade Point Average
100-90 A 4.0
89-80 B 3.0(min passing grade)
79-70 C 2.0
69-60 D 1.0
60-Below F 0
Methods of Evaluation Objective Met Estimated Time Grading
I. Discussion Forums (7 @ 12 points each) 2,3,4,5, 8, 9, 10 25 30%
II. QSEN Research Article Summary 1, 3, 5, 7 20 30 %
III. Professional Issues Impacting Nursing (broken up into 3 assignments) 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 60 30%
IV. Class preparation and readings. 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 35 N/A
V. Honor Code and Online Attendance Policy Quiz 2,5 5 3%
VI. RN-BSN Handbook Quiz 2, 5 5 7%
VII. Total 150 100 %
RN-BSN Handbook Quiz
The Catawba College Department of Nursing seeks to prepare competent, diverse nurse professionals to meet the holistic health care needs of a culturally diverse society; using an interdisciplinary approach to blend the knowledge and competencies of liberal studies, and evidence-based practice healthcare models to embrace nursing education, nursing practice, critical thinking, scholarship, and service. The RN-BSN Handbook is a comprehensive overview of the program along with pertinent policies and procedures. It is imperative that the student is knowledgeable of these policies and procedures. Thus, a small quiz has been constructed.
Due Week 1-8/15 by 2359
Community Health Site
In the NURS 3511 Community Health Nursing course, students will complete volunteer hours at a community-based agency (e.g. acute care setting, county health department, home health agency, assisted living facility, satellite clinic, Minute Clinic, etc.) that serve clientele that are deemed a vulnerable population. Prior approval of the agency must be obtained from the course instructor. By week 6 of this course, please complete the North Carolina Board of Nursing: Notification of New Clinical Resource form indicating where you will complete your hours for that course. No hours are required during this course. All hours are required during NURS 3511 Community Health Nursing course.
Due Week 6- 9/22 by 2359(May change due to COVID-19)
Professional Issues Impacting Nursing (30% divided into 3 parts)
As a BSN-prepared nurse, it is very important for the student to be aware of issues impacting nursing and have the ability to articulate these issues in writing.This is a three-part assignment with different due dates.
Part One: The First Paper (7%)
The student will choose either: a) violence against nurses, b) diversity in nursing or c) bullying in nursing as their topic (the topic must be approved by faculty, as everyone cannot do the same topic). The student will then compose a 2-3 page paper (professor will not read beyond three pages), using the paper checklist and rubric for all written assignments. This page count does not include the title and reference pages. Two peer-reviewed references required.
*include a minimum use of Level 1 headers*
1. Clearly articulates the problem (define it, give background, statistics, etc.)
2. Discuss the impact of the issue on nurses.
3. Discuss the impact of the issue on patients.
4. Discuss strategies to combat the issue.
Due Week 5- 9/14 by 2359- The student will upload the paper to Blackboard AND email a copy to their peer-reviewer. You will only receive feedback from your peer-reviewer in part two.
Part Two: The Critique (10%)
Using the paper checklist, the peer-reviewer will critique the paper.
DueWeek 6-9/21 by 2359The peer-reviewer will upload the critiqued paper to Blackboard AND email a copy to the appropriate student. Faculty will grade the peer-reviewer on clarity of feedback and on the extent by which the paper checklist was used in the critique.
Part Three: The Final Submission (13%)
Using the feedback received from the peer-reviewer, the student will make changes to their paper. The student will upload the final paper to Blackboard. In addition to making the necessary revisions, students are directed to write a paragraph about what they have learned from the critique process. This is separate from the paper and should be submitted separately. The professor will use the paper checklist as well as the rubric for all written assignments to grade this submission.
Due Week 7-9/28 by 2359- There should be two submissions as stated above.
QSEN Research Article Summary (30%)
The overall goal for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project is to meet the challenge of preparing nurses who will have the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems within which they work.
*include a minimum use of Level 1 headers*
Using one of the scholarly, peer-reviewed journalresearch articlesfound in Blackboard, the student willsummarize the article in 2-3 pages (professor will not read pass 3 pages). This does not include the title and reference pages. The paper should include a title and a reference page including the article used for the critique. The professor should be able to identify the article chosen from the in text and reference list citations. Two additional references required for question #4. The professor will use the paper checklist as well as the rubric for all written assignments to grade this summary.
1. What is the purpose of the study?
2. What is the problem statement and significance to nursing practice?
3. Discuss the findings.
4. Articulate your opinion about whether or not the BSN is important to nursing, the health care organization and to the patient.
Due Week 8-10/3 by 2359
Rubric for All Written Assignments
Evaluation Criteria
& Expected Elements
10 pts Satisfactory
14 pts Accomplished
17 pts Distinguished
20 pts Score
1. Conveys understanding of the paper Thesis is not clear or is not included.
Thesis is clear,but lacks any connection between the thesis and any arguments.
Thesis shows clear, logical relationships between the overall thesis and some arguments.
Thesis shows clear, logical relationships between the overall thesis and each argument.
2.. Cohesiveness
Does not tie together information. Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues. Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationships
Sometimes ties together information from all sources. Paper does not flow – disjointedness is apparent. Author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. Relates information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.
3. Develops paper
• There is no apparent
organization to the paper.
• Difficult to follow
• No or poor transitions
• No format There is some level of
organization though
digressions, ambiguities,
irrelevances are too many
Paper has a clear
organizational structure
with some digressions,
ambiguities or
• Easily followed
• Basic transitions
• Structured format • Paper is logically
• Easily followed
• Effective, smooth, and
logical transitions
• Professional format
4. Spelling & Grammar
Numerous grammar and spelling errors. Noticeable spelling & grammar mistakes. Minimal spelling &/or grammar mistakes. No spelling &/or grammar mistakes.
5. APA/References/Citations Does not cite sources. Cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect. Cites most data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and reference Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and reference list.
Discussion Questions/Participation (30%)
Online Discussion Requirements and Grading Rubric
• The electronic week begins on Monday at Midnight EST and ends on Sunday at midnight EST.
• Students are expected to participate in online discussions on at least three separate days out of seven in the electronic week.
• The three weekly posts consist of one Main Post and a minimum of one Peer Response Posts.If the professor or another student asks you a question under your Main Post, your response to that new question counts as a Peer Response Post.
• Students must post an original Main Post that integrates information from required course readings and is supported by information from at least one credible source outside of the required reading for the course by the due date @ 2359 as assigned for each electronic week.
• Students must read and complete a minimum of onePeer Response Postson aseparate day of the week from the main post.Peer response postdue by the due date @ 2359 as assigned for each electronic week.
• There is a 200-word minimum requirement for each post.
• Peer Response Posts must integrate and be supported by information found in the required readings or other weekly assignments.
• All writing and references must follow current APA standards.
• All discussion posts must reflect proficient writing skills consistent with your educational preparation. For example, a student is expected to spell words correctly, avoid using slang or text messaging language, punctuate and avoid syntax errors.
• Posts in other areas of the course do not count as discussionand no points are awarded for posts not in the Weekly Discussion or assignment sections of the course.
• There are no “make-ups” for not posting to the Weekly Discussions.
• All grading for the Weekly Discussions will follow the rubric below. All criteria will need to be met in each section/block in order for the student to earn the points. It is up to the discretion of the course instructor if the criteria are met.
Tips for posts
• Avoid postings that are limited to ‘I agree’ or ‘great idea’, etc. If you agree (or disagree) with a posting then say why you agree (or disagree) by supporting your statement with concepts from the readings and by bringing in a related example or experience.
• Address the questions as much as possible.
• Synthesize the readings into your own words to support your postings. Expand on your insights and reflect on the material. Be sure to follow APA standards.
• Build on others responses to create threads.
• Go back and look at the responses posted to your Main Post. Your peers or the instructor may ask questions of you that you can answer as a Peer Response Post.
• Bring in related prior knowledge (work experience, prior coursework, readings, etc.)
• Use proper etiquette (address your peer by name, use professional language, etc.).
Online Weekly Discussion Forum Rubric
3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points
Main Post • All of post is rich in content and shares student’s original thoughts, insights, and analysis • Majority of post is rich in content displaying some original thoughts, insights, and analysis • Majority of post is not rich in content displaying few original thoughts, insights, or analysis; more than one direct quote • Majority of post is superficial with little or no original thoughts, insights, or analysis
Peer Response Posts, Uniqueness, and Connections • Peer Response posts contain new ideas, connections to student’s learning and professional environment, have depth and detail, and continues the flow of discussion • Peer response posts contains connections but lack depth and/or detail, related to the flow of discussion • Peer response posts contains limited connections, generalities, and rehash or summarize other postings, halt the flow of discussion • Peer response posts superficial, no connections made, no new ideas shared, uses “I agree with…” statements
Timeliness and Number of Entries • Main post completed by due date by 2359
• Two peer response postscompleted by due date • Main post completed 1 day after due date by 2359
• Two peer response posts completed 1 day after due date
• Main post completed 2 days after the due date by 2359
• One peer response post completed OR no peer response post • Main post completed 3 days after due date by2359
• No peer response posts completed
• No support provided for peer response posts
Spelling, Grammar & APA Formatting (all posts) • No spelling or grammatical errors noted
• All rules of APA formatting followed • 1-3 spelling, grammatical, or APA formatting errors noted • 4-6 spelling, grammatical, or APA formatting errors noted • >6 spelling or grammatical errors noted
• No APA formatting in work
Course Schedule
Week Dates Content Assignments/Reading
1 8/13-8/18 Introduction/Syllabus Review
Nurse Practice Act, State Boards of Nursing, & Nursing Licensure
Nursing & Healthcare Delivery Systems
• Chapter 1 – The Professional Nurse
• Chapter 9 – Health Care Delivery Systems
• Chapter 20 – Career Options for Professional Nurses
• Chapter 21 – Development of a Professional Nursing Career
Discussion 1: Please introduce yourself. What is your specialty? How long have you been a nurse? What is your motivation for continuing your education?What do you expect from this course?
Discussion 2: As you embark on this transitional journey in the RN to BSN program, summarize Provisions 5 and 7 of the ANA’s Code of Ethics ( and propose three strategies you will incorporate to be successful in your return to school.
Discussion Due- 8/15 by 2359
Honor Code Quiz due by 8/17 by 2359
RN-BSN Quiz due by 8/17 @ 2359pm
2 8/19-8/25 Factors Shaping Healthcare
Technology in Nursing
• Chapter 8 – The Health Process and Self-Care of the Nurse
• Chapter 14– Informatics and Technology in Nursing Practice
• Chapter 22 – Shaping the Future of Nursing
Discussion 1:How is technology used in your nursing practice? What are the benefits and challenges to using technology in nursing?
Discussion 2:As BSN prepared nurses, you may have opportunities to publish or to write reports as a clinical educator, nurse manager, case manager, etc. It is important that you are grammatically correct to ensure clarity and patient safety. Using the Grammarsection of the paper checklist, critique a peer’s post.
Discussion Post due-8/22 by 2359
Peer Critique due- 8/23 by 2359
3 8/26-9/1 Nursing Research
• Chapter 10 – Developing and Using Nursing Knowledge Through Research
Discussion 1: Define evidence-based research (EBR). Provide an example of EBR you have used within your practice.
Discussion 2:As BSN prepared nurses, you may have opportunities to publish or to write reports as a clinical educator, nurse manager, case manager, etc. It is important that you are grammatically correct to ensure clarity and patient safety. Using the Organization section of the paper checklist, critique a peer’s post.
Discussion post due-8/29 by 2359
Peer Critique due by 8/30 by 2359
4 9/2-9/8 Values & Conflict within Professional Practice
Moral Development & Accountability in Nursing
Legal Concepts & Issues in Nursing
• Chapter 4 – Establishing Helpful and Healing Relationships
• Chapter 12 – Professional Nurse Accountability
Discussion 1: Distinguish between working in a toxic cultural vs a non-toxic cultural.
Discussion 2:As BSN prepared nurses, you may have opportunities to publish or to write reports as a clinical educator, nurse manager, case manager, etc. It is important that you are grammatically correct to ensure clarity and patient safety. Using the APA Format section of the paper checklist, critique a peer’s post.
Discussion due- 9/5 by 2359
Peer Critique due- 9/6by 2359
5 9/9-9/15 Code of Ethics & Work-Life Balance
Ethical Decision Making & Nursing Theories
• Chapter 3 – Contextual, Philosophical, and Ethical Elements of Professional Nursing
• Chapter 5 – Patterns of Knowing and Nursing Science
• Chapter 6 – Nursing Models and Theories
• Chapter 11 – Multicultural Issues in Professional Practice
Assignment:Professional Issues Impacting NursingPart One Due 9/14 by2359pm
6 9/16-9/22 Political Issues in Nursing & Health Care Policy
Social & Economic Issues
Professionalism Reading:
• Chapter 16 – The Professional Nurse’s Role in Teaching and Learning
• Chapter 17 – Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing
• Chapter 19 – The Professional Nurse’s Role in Public Policy
Assignment:Professional Issues Impacting Nursing Part Two Due 9/21by2359pm
7 9/23-9/29 Disaster Response & Professional Issues Synthesis
• Chapter 13 – Environmental and Global health
Assignment:Professional Issues Impacting Nursing Part Three Due 9/28by 2359pm
8 9/30-10/6 Reading:
QSEN Article ReviewDue Tuesday 10/3by 2359pm