Confucius and Western Leader
Assignment – Confucius and Western Leader
In Part 1 of the Kellerman book, we are introduced to 18 important contributors to the world of management and leadership thought. Contrast the leadership of Confucius (Eastern) with that of one Western leader listed in your text.
Here are the questions you should address?
• What is Confucius’ contribution to leadership?
• What is your selected leader’s contribution to leadership? (the one you chose from the text)
• From which concept of leadership in Part 1 have you gained the most? Why? Please note that the word is leadership, not leader.
Assignment Guidelines
• Minimum two pages, double-spaced.
• Must be APA7. Make sure to use correct APA in-text citations for paraphrased ideas and quoted text.
• Citations: Please cite page numbers if you are using quotes (remember that I want to see your understanding of the quote, not just the quote – use quotes minimally. Marks will be deducted for lack of citations (at least one citation per page).
• References: You must use Kellerman as your primary reference for this assignment.
Video – Introducing Philosophers in Barbara Kellerman’s Book
The following videos on YouTube can give you some important information of the philosophers included in our required textbook by Barbara Kellerman:
1. Lao Tsu:
2. Confucius:
3. Plato:
4. Plutarch:
5. Niccolo Machiavelli:
6. Thomas Hobbes:
7. John Locke:
The following videos on YouTube can give you some important information of the other three philosophers included in Part 1 of our required textbook by Barbara Kellerman:
8. Leo Tolstoy:
9. Max Weber:
10. Sigmund Freud: