Assignment 3b: Threats to the Global Environment Counterargument
Assignment 3b – Click here to submit
Assignment 3b: Threats to the Global Environment Counterargument (110 points)
The members of the United Nations are impressed by your presentation. The information you provided has led to productive debates, and there are now questions about prioritizing the issues at hand. Some of the countries are challenging your recommendations and questioning your reasons for not including certain other issues they believe are priority.
For assignment 3a you chose four of the issues below as major threats to the global community, but for assignment 3b, you still have four remaining threats in the list of major global issues. Review the topics and reflect on two that you chose not to use in last week’s assignment. Then defend your reason for considering these topics lower on the priority of global issues than the ones in your 3a presentation.
Energy sources Civil war*****
Globalization Poor health of entire populations
Lack of educational opportunities Cultural taboos
Inappropriate uses of technology Climate change
**** This does not refer to the US Civil War, but rather global civil wars today.
1. Choose two of these four major threats and write at least one page about each threat that explains why these threats are less of a priority to the global environment than the four you selected in last week’s assignment.
2. Support your argument with at least three valid sources (per topic) that argue against it as a valid environmental threat.
3. Each counterargument must include:
• An opening statement describing the perception of threat,
• Three key points against the validity of the threat,
• A conclusion.
1. Please cite at least three credible references in your argument.
2. The entire paper must be between 2-3 pages long.
3. For a brief list of resources for this assignment, please see the end of the course guide.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Examine the factors that account for why the growth in the world’s population can negatively affect global society.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric:
Points: 100 Assignment 3b: Threats to the Global Environment Counterargument
90–100% A
80–89% B
70–79% C Meets Minimum Expectations
60–69% D
Below 60% F
Included a paragraph for each of the two threats
Weight: 20% Provided a well written paragraph against two global threats of at least a paragraph each Provided sufficient argument against two global threats of at least a paragraph each Provided arguments of less than a paragraph for two threats Provided an argument against only one threat Did not provide any full paragraphs against at least one threat
Included three points against each threat
Weight: 20% Included three or more points against each threat Included three points arguing against each threat Included two points arguing against each threat Included one point arguing against each threat Did not provide any arguments or only completed the assignment for one threat or none
Included an opening paragraph and a conclusion for each threat
Weight: 20% Included a well thought out opening statement and a conclusion Included a sufficient opening and conclusion for each threat Did not fully include an opening statement, or a conclusion for one of the threat paragraphs
Missed an opening statement and a conclusion for one of the threat paragraphs Did not provide an opening statement or conclusion for either paragraph
Cited at least five credible references
Majority are primary sources
Weight: 20% Exceeded the number of required references; all were of high quality Met the number of required references; all were of high quality Did not meet the required number of references and some were of poor quality Did not meet the required number of references; all were of
poor quality No references provided
Clarity, writing mechanics, syntax and formatting
Weight: 20%
0-2 errors present 3-4 errors present 5-6 errors present 7-8 errors present More than 8 errors present