The Grimms Tales Essay

Instead of the actual fairy tales focus on the original stories which would be the grimms tale version

Through the years, “The Fairy Tales” have been instrumental in shaping western society. Our ideas of “good vs evil,” “protagonist vs antagonist,” characteristics of a prince, princess, the wicked witch, or even gender roles have all been shaped by this genre which has its origins in oral story telling. Demonstrate how some of these concepts have shaped or influenced our society using at least 3 tales to support your answer. Please do not summarize these stories unless as you are working with famous tales that have influenced society.


The paper should be no longer than 4 pages, and should be in third person. Do not forget to cite your references. The paper has to follow the conventions of the MLA format: Times New Roman, 12 pt, Double spaced, 1″ margins, Header (last name and page number), at least a couple of in-text citations. Works Cited page must have at least 3-4 citations in the proper format.


MLA/In-Text Citations/Works Cited: 25%

Thesis statement: 10%

Analysis and Argument: 45%

Clarity, Grammar, and Sentence Structure: 20%

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