It has been said that a language is a dialect with a flag and a navy. There are many other iterations of this expression, but the idea here seems to be that languages are mobile, backed by social and political forces, and therefore potentially seeded across the globe.

For this paper, you shall focus on your study of the “backstory” of English. Where did it come from and when? What were the human forces at work that led to the rise of English as a tongue? How did other languages and cultures help shape English up to the post-colonial era? Obviously, the development of English into a modern language took hundreds of years, so you are charged with producing something of an executive summary that encapsulates the birth, growth, and expansion of English. Consider also the ways in which languages are deployed in times of peace and war. Consider how languages – English in particular – has been used as a tool or weapon. Why would the opening statement be accurate? What was the role of the English language up through colonizations of many lands and peoples?
This paper will be completed in two parts focusing first on the history of the English language and second on the spread of the English language. When put together, you will have completed a research project on the history and rise of the English language to the post-colonial era.

English Language: History is the research and drafting stage, focusing your initial emphasis on the history of English. This paper will be at least 1,000 words.

English Language: History & Conquest will start by revising the English Language: History paper and add to it a more in depth analysis on the spread of English as sword, detailing the ways in which the British wielded their strange tongue, conquering vast expanses and peoples. The submission for the English Language: History & Conquest paper will include a revised version of the English Language: History paper and must be at least 2,000 words exclusive of front matter, bibliography, and any appendices.

The English Language: History and English Language: History & Conquest papers must demonstrate specific evidence from the texts we are reading for the course. It must cite the texts we are reading for the course, but should also incorporate information from outside sources. All internet citations must represent recognized authoritative sources – not sites such as Wikipedia. There is no explicitly stated minimum number of sources you must cite. How many you cite will be a factor of how thorough your argument and your evidence are. Too few will likely mean that you have not addressed the issue with sufficient detail and thoroughness.

The paper must document all sources in current APA or MLA format, and must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the University’s plagiarism tool.

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