Essay #1: A Good Person Speaking Well
Essay #1: A Good Person Speaking Well
(450-600 Pages, I am totally okay with 450)
Writing Prompt
How can one overcome learned helplessness in order to become a good person speaking and writing well for the public good? Sometimes, it is our fears, insecurities, regrets, and environment that prevent us from becoming the best rhetors—and, by extension, our best selves. Respond to Goke and Peterson, and develop an argument that explores how people can live through their toughest challenges to become great rhetors (or GPSW’s). Make sure to provide at least two quotes from Goke, Peterson, and/or Quintilian to show that you have engaged with the text.
Please note: This essay is neither a personal narrative nor an advice column entry. Therefore, please refrain from the use of “I,” “me,” or “you.”
In order to achieve a satisfactory grade, your essay must contain:
· A clearly structured argument, that follows the Visual Map Comprehension Template model.
· A coherent, typed argument that is: 3-4 pages in length (MLA: Times New Roman, 12-pt. font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins); error-free; with Works Cited Page of the sources used (minimum two outside sources). Please submit this to Canvas under “Assignments” à “Essay 1.”
Two properly cited sources that speak to the rhetor’s credibility, knowledge/output, and/or emotion (in other words, their ability to employ appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos).
Please highlight the following throughout the paper
Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion
Background info Claim Wrap-up
Thesis statement Evidence Lasting impressions
Plan Analysis
Paper will be based on the following article
& the following:
Peterson, “Learned Helplessness” (attached as a pdf)