sex trafficking


View the movie Tricked (2013). Answer the below Forum questions and make the appropriate responses.

1. Discuss “Boy-friending in” as it is described in the film. What is the process of this practice? What does it tell you about the pimps/traffickers who use this practice? Discuss the similarities and differences between the pimps in this film. Did you find anything surprising about those similarities? What about the differences (if any)?

2. Find a current story about Human Trafficking in the area you live. Share the facts of the case and explain what the police, social services and prosecutors did to help the victim? Could there have been more done to help the victim of the case you picked?

3. In the Focus on Why and How Pimps Do What They Do box on page 130, you read about pimps. How similar or different is this portrait of pimps from how pimps are displayed in the media. How different is the portrait of pimps in the film you just watched?

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