Understanding By Design (UbD) Practice: Stage 1

Now that you have analyzed a complete backward design unit of instruction, you will focus on and begin drafting the first stage of the Backward Design Unit Plan due in Week 6.


Read the Weekly Lesson.
Use the Stage 1 Draft Design templates in Chapter 3, Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 as supports.
Open and save the UbD Unit Plan Template: Stage 1Preview the document
Note that the Comments box in the template will serve as a place for you to remark upon any area of Stage 1 that you would like specific feedback from your instructor, such as those you are unsure about, ideas you have for connecting activities in Stage 2, or other concerns or questions you would like addressed.


Think of and commit to a specific population of learners (age or grade level) on whom your unit of instruction will focus. Keep in mind that your population, whether Pre-K-12th grades or adults in a training workshop or higher education course, should be learning something that is aligned to a specified standard: academic, skill-based, or professional.
Content Instructions

Complete stage 1 of the UbD Unit Plan Template: Stage 1. Your backward design unit plan draft will be evaluated for the following components:

Lesson Information – Your name, grade/age level, subject matter/content covered
Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results
Goal/Standard – at least one specific grade level or professional standard labeled and detailed for the subject matter identified at the top of the template
Understanding – at least two concepts learners should understand by the end of the unit
Essential Questions – at least two questions, each at different levels of complexity or cognitive rigor (levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and/or Webb’s DOK)
Knowledge – at least two concepts students will know at the end of the unit
Skills – at least two things students will be able to do by the end of the lesson, written as student-centered, measurable, attainable objectives
Written Communication Instructions

Length Requirement: Three pages including the UbD Unit Plan Template: Stage 1, title page, and reference pages.
Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
Source Requirement: Reference Wiggins and McTighe (2005). Exemplary assignments will include at least one other resource from your own research, from those listed as a Recommended Resource, or found in the Weekly Lesson.
APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) for assistance with APA style and formatting.
Submitting Your Assignment

Submit your assignment for evaluation. Include the link to your ePortfolio in the comments box when uploading.
Archive your assignment in your ePortfolio by uploading to your Folio account. Once assignments are uploaded to your ePortfolio, they are considered artifacts and will be referenced as such.
Once in your Folio account, select “Add Work.” Follow the step-by-step instructions.
Once uploaded, add a title (e.g., Stage 1 Draft) and a one- to two-sentence description.
Select “Education” as the category and give it the same title as the previous step. Your artifact should now be viewable in your Portfolio.

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