Create Database and table for class advanced database
Assignment 1
Create a database similar to what we did in class. This database will have one table. Call the table inventory. The inventory table should contain the following columns:
pallet_id = unique value for the pallet,
product_id = unique value for the product,
Production_Date = date made,
Shelf_life= how many days the product is good for,
QTY= Quantity of an item on the pallet.
Determine what should be the key for the inventory table. Note: Multiple products can be on a pallet as well the same product produced on multiple dates.
Add the primary key.
Load some records.
Create a view that lists products that will expire within the next few days (return all columns).
Create a second view that lists all the pallets and how much product is on them by sku.
Document How you would change this table and move it to third normal form.
Create a backup of your database/upload the database backup and document how you would change the table to 3rd normal form.
Note: On the two views for this assignment.
View one: Products that will be expiring soon. This will require a calculation using two of he fields in the table.
View Two: Product Qty by Pallet. Question to ask yourself: If we produced more of a product today and added it to one of the pallets that already contained that product, would your totals be accurate? Also assume we can have multiple products on a single pallet, so we need to include product_id in the result of this view.
Also note: That if you have already submitted the database you can resubmit it up to 3 times.
Please let me know if you have any questions.