The bibliographic information: Generally, though, the bibliographic information of the source (the title, author, publisher, date, etc.) is written in APA format.
The annotations: The annotations for each source are written in paragraph form. The lengths of the annotations can vary significantly from a couple of sentences to a couple of pages. The length will depend on the purpose. If you’re just writing summaries of your sources, the annotations may not be very long. However, if you are writing an extensive analysis of each source, you’ll need more space.
You can focus your annotations for your own needs. A few sentences of general summary followed by several sentences of how you can fit the work into your larger paper or project can serve you well when you go to draft.
Using your visual artist topic, create an Annotated Bibliography with 4 listings. For example, you’ll have 4 pieces of publication material with 1 fully developed paragraphs for each. Furthermore, you’re creating an Annotated Bibliography that will have 4 Annotations/Listings. Each listing should have 1 fully developed paragraphs with it.
Consider using a variety of sources to give you practice working with the publication material from a variety of sources. For example, a scholarly essay from a database, a newspaper article, an online source, or a book.
This is an important assignment because it’s going to help you get a lot of work done on the next paper. You may actually be able to use some of this work in your next paper to meet your citation and reference page requirement.