Reflective Activity #4 “I Didn’t Know That”
Reective Activity #3 “I Didn’t Know That”
Due no later than 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Unit 5. (In Class students may submit in person during class, or on
web campus, at the discretion of the Professor.)
Worth 15% of nal grade; 3% for each submission.
Students will regularly submit a short reection essay on something new that they’ve learned in their preceding units, either
from another student, from the text, or from class discussions. They are intended to give students further opportunities to
think about what they are learning and think critically about its meaning, and also allow them to speculate on how they will
use this new information or skill.
Reection essays should be approximately 250 to 300 words. Students should title their submission with their name, Unit
and the theme of their reection. While these are informal reections, and so strict adherence to APA formatting not
expected, students should cite and give credit to anyone whose thoughts or words inuenced them, whether it is an article,
textbook or website reference, or ideas expressed by the instructor or peers in Discussion.
Late Submission Policy
This assignment is subject to the Late Submission penalty policy, namely 5% per day for three days.
This page will close and will not allow further submissions after this Late Submission period has expired.
In the event of an emergency preventing you from submitting within this time frame, special permission must be obtained
from your instructor. Documentation substantiating emergency is required. In such a circumstance, if the extension is
granted, the professor will reopen the submission function for you on an individual basis.
Please do not email your submissions to your professor, either before or after the due date; all coursework should be
submitted through the online course (Moodle).
The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing your assignment, and how the instructor
will weigh these components relative to one another.
Activity/Competencies Demonstrated % of Final
Critical Reection: /70
a. identies and describes unique learning experiences
b. places learning into larger context
Writing: /30
a. writing is of high quality with minimal errors in spelling, grammar and syntax
8/18/2020 Assignment 2/2
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b. sources of ideas and learning are appropriately cited
c. essay meets expected length
TOTAL /100
Submission status
Submission status No attempt
Grading status Graded
Due date Sunday, 16 August 2020, 11:00 PM
Time remaining Assignment is overdue by: 2 days
Last modied –
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Grade 0.00 / 100.00
Graded on Monday, 17 August 2020, 4:59 PM
Graded by Mansi Handa