Module 5 DQ 1

Hello please respond to the following with 150-200 words withreference.
Re: Module 5 DQ 1
Porsha Smith
1. The critical thinking process requires several skills that are utilized at different levels. The primary skill that critical thinking requires is the ability to evaluate information to gain a certain level of understanding (Saadé, Morin, & Thomas, 2012).In addition to critical thinking requiring one to assess knowledge, one must first be able to discern meaningful information from insignificant information. So it follows that to be a critical thinker, one must also have the ability to analyze the information that is presented. When considering all the skills that one needs to be a vital thinker, the one that I believed to be the most practical or essential is evaluation. One can discern the significance of the information as well as analyze it. Still, I think that the evaluation of data requires a deeper understanding and a synthesis, which is on the higher level of Bloom’s taxonomy. The synthesis, in my opinion, is the highest level that one can reach. It is saying to the audience that the individual can research, discern, analyze, and evaluate while maintaining a strong voice and tone.

Saadé, R. G., Morin, D., & Thomas, J. D. E. (2012). Critical thinking in E-learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(5), 1608-1617.

2 posts
Re: Module 5 DQ 1
Tina Gilson
2, There are various understandings of what critical thinking entails and how it can be used in educational settings (Nippold, LaFavre, Shinham, 2020; Pusina&Osmanovic, 2018; Shkvyr, Haidamashko, &Tafintseva, 2020). A student’s ability to critically think can impact the quality of their scholarly writing. I view critical thinking as one of our most valuable skills as scholars and students, as it helps shape how we grow and develop our doctoral identity. To be able to synthesize information, we must be able to use critical thinking to formulate what we learn, how we learn it, and how we can connect what we learn to something else.
When I think of critical thinking, I think of characteristics like the following: analyzing situations or information in a more systematic and informed approach, asking thought provoking questions, informed and objective decision making, enhanced problem solving, and developing personal judgement. I think developing each of these characteristics is vital to learning how to become better critical thinkers, better synthesizers of information, and better writers. I believe we should continue to improve and develop our critical thinking through active scholarship and practice within our fields of expertise. Stronger critical thinking allows us to become better writers, further develop our ability to think like scholars, and is important to shaping our doctoral identities.
Nippold, M. A., LaFavre, S., &Shinham, K. (2020). How adolescents interpret the moral messages of fables: Examining the development of critical thinking. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 1212-1226.
Pusina, A, &Osmanovic, A. (2018). Critical thinking and academic success of English language students. Zivotiskola, 62(2), 141-155.
Shkvyr, O., Haidamashko, I., &Tafintseva, S. (2020). Developing Critical Thinking in Younger Pupils Using ICT. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(2), 230-242.

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Re: Module 5 DQ 2
Catherine Sienko

3.It can be a very frustrating process when I come across reading materials that are difficult to analyze or understand. From what I was told, this is very normal due to how my brain process the information. When I find myself in this situation, I would take the time to read the materials and categorizing the keywords, themes, context, and important concepts that make sense to me and then make a note in the margin for me to summarize. When I come across unfamiliar vocabulary, I would copy the vocabulary on Microsoft Word for me to write a definition that is easy for me to understand and allows me to become familiar with the term. I also like to draw a circle with a purple pen for transitional words to help me recognize the difference in opinions, facts, or questioning of a concept. By doing those approaches, they helped me to break down information to get a better understanding of the context. Outlining makes writing more effective because it allows writers to note and categorizing the main points.
When it comes to seeking out other sources of information to increase my understanding of the work in front of me, I would go into the GCU library database and search for peer-review articles to see if other scholars wrote something similar that would help me to understand the research article better.

Catherine “Katie” Sienko

Please answer the following with 150-200 word with reference

4. 5 Summary: Critical thinking

Hello Class:
Last week we focused on voice and tone in academic writing. These two attributes are important as you begin to develop your identity as an academic writer. What steps are you currently taking to enhance your ability as a scholarly writer? What resources are you using in this process? (Answer in 150-250 words with a cited source).

5. Integration of Faith & Learning 6: The Nature of Inquiry

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it — lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?” Luke 14:28-30 (NKJV)
This passage in Luke illuminates the notion of accurately and wisely interpreting data to draw conclusions and make decisions. The interpretation of data is also a significant component of the doctoral dissertation and should, as the passage implies, be conducted with wisdom and integrity? How will you determine if the conclusions of your research are logically supported or not? What is the ethical responsibility associated with the interpretation of research data? How is that responsibility supported by the passage above? Explain.

6. DISSERTATION DEVELOPMENT 6: Dissertation Topic Checklist

For the past several weeks, we have been discussing some of the components related to choosing a dissertation topic. I know this can be a daunting and frustrating task. I hope that the information provided thus far has you thinking and moving in the right direction.
Here are reminders of what you need to consider moving forward –
• Is the topic clearly defined as a “need” or gap in the literature within the past few years?
• Does your topic fit into your life purpose? Will it help advance your career? Is it interesting to you personally?
• Is it interesting to anyone else? (your peers, academia, future employers, future clients, etc)
• Is it significant in both practical and theoretical terms?
• Does it have the potential to lead to positive social or organizational change?
• Is it original? Will it contribute to the body of existing literature and knowledge?
• Is it ethical?
• Is it manageable, given your time frame, resources and availability of data sources?
• Is in within your range of competence?
• Can you get permission from the organization to conduct research?
Again, extra research time is not built into your program until much later. What one thing can you do this week that specifically relates to your dissertation topic?
Dr. Bridges

I need help with this Question need reference
Legislative Actions Photo and Synapsis
7. Successful educators should understand the important legislative actions and events that have helped shape our current special education climate.
Choose three significant legislative actions that have influenced special education. For each of the legislative actions that you have chosen, select an image from the Internet to creatively depict the relevance it has had on special education. Devise a caption for each of your images that expresses the relevance of the legislative actions.
Present these images in a graphic timeline on the “Legislative Actions Photo and Synapsis Template.” Include descriptions of these actions along with a few paragraphs regarding their effects on special education. Be sure to include citations for each of your images on your APA formatted reference page.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

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