Make a statement about how these texts represent the United States’ role in the world.
Write a three-to-five page essay in response to the prompt below (that’s a minimum of three full pages, exclusive of Works Cited page, if applicable). Be sure to refer to specific passages in the articles in order to support your assertions; when doing so, use MLA methods of citation and documentation. Consult the format guidelines for essay writing on page six of your syllabus (“Essay Format and Submission Guidelines”).
The goals of the first essay include the following:
identifying common themes in expository writing;
synthesizing information from multiple sources;
practicing academic writing skills such as:
focusing on a main idea;
developing that idea with evidence from the text(s) and research (if applicable);
and writing in a clear and precise style.
Audience: Instructor and classmates as an academic audience.
Assume that we have read the texts but will expect specific examples from them to support your assertions. Bear in mind that you will also be demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the texts and ideas to your instructor.
Focus on the following texts: “Hope for a New U.N. Moment” and “Basing Troops in Europe is about U.S. Security”.
Make a statement about how these texts represent the United States’ role in the world.
Develop your claim(s) with specific examples from the two texts including quotes, paraphrases and summaries, as appropriate.
Incorporate, cite, and document quotations according to MLA guidelines.
Organize your paper in a readable, logical manner.
Avoid merely providing summaries of each text.
Write in a style which is clear and readable with few if any grammatical, mechanical or usage errors.
Length: 3-5 pages.
Double spaced with one-inch margins. Times New Roman12 point font, other format guidelines per syllabus,.