Organizational Analysis


Name: Date:

The organization I choose is Banner Baywood Medical Center
Which is part of Banner Health System.

Overview:OrganizationalAnalysis–The Organization

Themajorassignmentforthiscourse isanalysisofyourorganization (or an organization that you have worked for if you aren’t currently employed).In thisassignment,you will report the organization’smission,philosophy,and administrative structure. You will compare and contrastwhatyoufind with the characteristicsoforganizations you have learned aboutin the lecturesand presentations and in yourowninvestigative reading.
Completethisassignmentto demonstrateyouranalysisofthebig pictureofyourorganization.


• Explain howorganizationsfunction.

• Compareand contrastcharacteristicsofleadership and management.

• Applytrends,issues,theories,andevidence asguidelinesformanagementdecisions.

• Evaluate effectiveness ofcommunicationpatternsusing specificmanagementsituations.

Expected elements for scholarly writing:

• Ensure correct grammar and spelling

• Assignment should be submitted as an APA Paper, including title page and references.

• Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.

• 1-inch margins, 12 size Times New Roman font.

• Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper.

• The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.

• Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following APA style.

• An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in APA format. A Summary is usedand should have a heading over it.

• For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2020).

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) Washington, DC: Author.


Use thisrubrictoguide yourworkontheWeek2Organizational Analysis–TheOrganization.

Tasks Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.
(max 10points) (9-10 points)
APAformat andstyle are correctand clear. Areas of focusincludesyntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literaturecitationsare correct. (0-2 errors) (5-8 points)
APAformat andstyle are mostly correct. Areas of focusincludesyntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literaturecitationsare correct. (3-5 errors) (0-4 points)
APAformat andstyle are minimally correct. Areas of focusincludesyntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature are cited but contain mistakes. (>5)
Introduction of the Organization
(max10points) Concisedescription including:(9-10 points)

Type ofagency, size, geographiclocation

Services provided Target clientele Accreditationstatus
Community relationships One ormore components missingin description
(5-8 points) One ormore components missingin description
(0-4 points)
Examination of the Organization
(max20points) (15-20 points)
Missionstated with source reference
(4 points)

Philosophystated with source reference
(4 points)

Administrative structure clearly described and connected tostructure type withat least two examples
(12 points) (9-14 points)
Missionstated(2 point)

Philosophystated (2 points)

Administrative structure described and identified by structure typewith atleast one example
(10 points) (0-8 points)
Missingmissionstatement (0 points)

Missing philosophy statement
(0 points)

Description of administrativestructure and/or identification of structure typeisvague or missing
(0-3 points)

Strengths and Limitations
(max20points) (17-20 points) Detaileddescription of
majorstrengths with
(10 points) (13-16 points)
General description of majorstrengths withat least one example
(8 points) (0-12 points)
Vague description of major strengths
(0-6 points)
Detaileddescription of major weaknesses with examples
(10 points) General description of major weaknesses with at least one example
(8 points) Vague description of major weaknesses
(0-6 points)
Care Delivery System
(max20points) Detaileddescription of delivery system(s), includingclear explanations ofdelegation exampleson all levels
(17-20 points) General description of delivery system(s) with a descriptionof atleasttwo delegation examples
(11-16 points) Unclear description of delivery system(s) with littleor nomention of delegation examples
(0-10 points)
Outcomesand Measurements
(max 20points) (17-20 points) Robust descriptionof
outcome, including measurements and
(10 points)
Robust descriptionof specificnurse-sensitive clinicaloutcome,including measurements and monitoring
(10 points) (9-16 points)
General description of specificsystem-wide outcome withstatement of measurements and/or monitoring
(8 points)
General description of specificnurse-sensitive clinicaloutcome with statement of measurements and/or monitoring
(8 points) (0-8 points)
Nonspecificdescription of system outcome
(0-4 points)
Nonspecificdescription of nurse-sensitiveclinical outcome
(0-4 points)

Introduction of the Organization

Provide a concise description ofthehealthcare organization,including type ofagency,size,geographic location,services provided,targetclientele,accreditation status,andcommunityrelationships.

Examination ofthe Organization

Identify the organization’smission,philosophy,and theadministrative structure.Identifythetypeof organizational structure thefacilityrepresents (functional,matrixreporting,jointpractice,etc.).Give examplesthatsupportthetype you selected.

Strengths and Limitations

Discussmajorstrengthsand limitationsoftheorganization.


Describe thenursing care deliverysystem(s)used.Include delegation examples ofmanager,charge nurse,licensed staffto unlicensed staff.

Outcomesand Measurements

Discusstwo specificpatientoutcomesandexplain howtheyaremeasured andmonitored.Includeone system–wide outcomeandone nurse–sensitive clinicalindicator.

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