Lebron James Public Intellectual

Public Intellectual: Lebron James

Useful Talking Points:
I Promise School
Public activism towards the black lives matter movement
Movement to increase voting locations in the United States
How he is a Public intellectual vs activist
Explore him as a thinker
Dive into statements, or written works by James
Lebron JAmes TV show the Shop

The primary purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to engage in a “meta-analytical” critique of the conceptual identity that anchors this course—the “Public Intellectual.” In this assignment you will select a living public intellectual and write an “intellectual profile” of them. That is, a short biographical sketch of someone you believe should be identified as a public intellectual, but one that stresses her or his intellectual (and sometimes, academic) contributions to public discourse. In the process, you should engage (fully, or “tangentially”) one or more problem raised in either (or both) of my essays as they present themselves in the career of your chosen person. In short, you will choose a public intellectual to write a critical profile about. But whoever you choose, be sure to sketch their major intellectual achievement and contribution to public discourse. Don’t just tell us that they are a big shot in such-in-such field. Let us know what they think and why—and how those views have (or should) influence the public. The term public intellectual is one not in common use outside intellectual circles. Still, it is one of great concern, even controversy, to those who style themselves as such—and, they would argue, to the public as well. There are, in fact, many questions and controversies that attend the career of a public intellectual

Mechanical Requirements:
Your Essay/profile must:
• be about 6 pages in length.

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